
Displaying 21 - 30 of 54

Romania - Industrial Development Project and Private Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The audit conveys mixed ratings, and differs with the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) and Evaluation Summary (ES) ratings as follows: the Industrial Development Project (IDP)…

Romania - Education Reform Project and Reform of Higher Education and Research Project

This is the first set of OED assessments in the education sector to be carried out in a transitional economy. The assessments were conducted to study the effectiveness of bank strategy in transitional economies, and…

Romania - Bucharest Water Supply Project

The OED project performance assessment rates the outcome of the project as "satisfactory", its sustainability as "likely", its institutional development impact as "substantial", Bank performance as "satisfactory" and…

Romania - Health Services Rehabilitation Project

Notwithstanding the poor performance of some project components, this assessment report rates the overall outcome of the project as moderately satisfactory, compared to a satisfactory…

Roumanie: adapter les institutions du secteur des transports aux besoins durant la transition

Un prêt de 120 millions de dollars accordé à la Roumanie pour l'aider à réformer les institutions de son secteur des transports a appuyé la remise en état des routes nationales ainsi que la…

Adaptación de las instituciones de transporte a las necesidades de la transición en Rumania

Un préstamo de US$120 millones para ayudar a Rumania a reformar sus instituciones encargadas del transporte se utilizó con éxito para apoyar la modernización de las carreteras nacionales, comercializar y…

AdaptingTransport Institutions to Romania's Transition Needs

A $120 million loan to help Romania reform its transport institutions successfully supported the upgrading of Romania's national highways, commercialized and privatized road main-tenance, and substantially improved road…

Romania - Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan Project and Social Protection Adjustment Loan Project

The outcome of both the Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan (FESAL) Project and the Social Protection Adjustment Loan (SPAL) Project were rated as marginally satisfactory…

Romania - Transport Project

While the project encountered implementation difficulties--mainly because of engineering weaknesses that led to delays and cost increases--and the length of road works was less than…

L'ajustement de la Roumanie après la guerre froide

En 1991-92, la Banque mondiale a renoué les relations avec la Roumanie en approuvant deux prêts respectivement destinés à financer des importations industrielles dont le pays avait un besoin urgent et à…