
Displaying 21 - 30 of 157

Pakistan - Rural Electrification Project

The Operations Evaluations Department (OED) concurs with all of the ratings in the Implementation Completion Report (ICR). The project outcome is rated unsatisfactory, based primarily…

Pakistan - Third Primary Education Project

The audit rating is unsatisfactory, due to the fact that most components were not implemented, and those that were, failed to achieve the intended targets, or results. Sustainability…

Pakistan - Northern Resource Management Project

Although the audit agrees with the Implementation Completion Report ratings - outcome as satisfactory, institutional development as substantial, likely sustainability, and borrower…

Involuntary Resettlement: The Large Dam Experience:

The bank's recent study of involuntary resettlement shows that for years, the infrastructure and human sides of projects were utterly disconnected in most instances. That is now changing, as more countries voice their…

Reasentamiento involuntario Experiencia con grandes presas

UN ESTUDIO RECIENTE DEL BANCO SOBRE EL reasentamiento involuntario, indica que los países que no tienen ni la capacidad ni la obligación de gestionar bien el elemento importante es la necesidad de obrar fuera del…

Déplacements et Réinstallations Involontaires: L'Expérience des Grands Barrages

UNE ÉTUDE RÉCENTE DE LA BANQUE SUR LES DÉPLACEMENTS ET réinstallations involontaires de population montre que les pays ne doivent pas entreprendre la construction de grands barrages s'ils n'ont pas la…

Restabelecimento Involuntário da População A Experiência com as
Grandes Barragens

UM ESTUDO RECENTE DO BANCO SOBRE O restabelecimento involuntário da população mostra que se os países não tiverem a capacidade e o compromisso de lidar bem com o restabelecimento involuntário da…

Pakistan - Fourth Highway, Transport Sector, and Karachi Port Modernization Projects

The Project performance audit report for three transport projects in Pakistan (Transport Sector Project, Fourth Highway Project, and the Karachi Port Modernization Project) generally…

Land Administration & Rural Development: Two Cases from Thailand

Experience in Thailand sheds light on one of the key dimensions of land administration: its contribution to improving natural resource management and reducing rural poverty. The two projects under review were separate…

Administration foncière et développement rural : deux exemples venus de Thaïlande

'EXPÉRIENCE DE LA THAÏLANDE MET EN LUMIÈRE une dimension importante de l'administration foncière : la façon dont elle peut améliorer la gestion des ressources Lnaturelles et contribuer à réduire…