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Sara village, Papua New Guinea - July 2015: Native people stand near their house on beautiful sunny day and look to photocamera at Sara village in Papua New Guinea. Photo: Michal Knitl/ShutterStock

The World Bank Group in Papua New Guinea, 2008-23

This evaluation assesses the relevance and effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s support to Papua New Guinea during Fiscal Years 2008-23.
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Addressing gender inequalities in countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence

Addressing gender inequalities in countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence

A recent evaluation by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) finds that achieving relevant, deep, impactful, and sustainable change to advance gender equality in fragile environments requires a comprehensive country…

Country Program Evaluation - Papua New Guinea: An Evaluation of World Bank Support FY08–22 (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the World Bank Group’s engagement in Papua New Guinea between FY08 and FY22. The Papua New Guinea has an abundant resource endowment of oil and mineral wealth, but this…

Papua New Guinea - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY13-FY18 : IEG Review

This review covers the period of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), FY13-FY16, and updated in the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated July 1, 2016. At the PLR stage, the CPS period was extended by two years…

Papua New Guinea - Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

Papua and New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) has faced considerable development challenges since its independence in 1975. Through the Smallholder Agriculture Development Project, the World Bank sought to improve community…

World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

The World Bank Group has identified support to fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS) as a strategic priority, critical to achieving its mission of poverty alleviation and shared prosperity. Progress is evident in…

World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

he World Bank Group has identified support to fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS) as a strategic priority, critical to achieving its mission of poverty alleviation and shared prosperity. Progress is evident in…

Papua New Guinea - Country partnership strategy (CAS) completion report (2008-2012) : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the Fiscal Years (FY) 2008-2012 Papua New Guinea (PNG) Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the FY 2010 CAS Progress Report (CASPR), and assesses the CAS Completion Report (…

Yemen: Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE)

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines the Bank's assistance strategy for Yemen for FY99 through FY05. Two Country Assistance Strategies (CASs) were operative during this period, a CAS discussed by the Board…

Making the Most of World Bank Assistance to Small States: A Synthesis of Evaluation Findings

From 1998-2000 the Small States Task Force, a joint effort of the World Bank and the Commonwealth Secretariat, deliberated on the unique circumstances of small states in a rapidly globalizing economy and worked toward a…