
Displaying 811 - 820 of 5577
Industry Competitiveness and Jobs: The World Bank Group's Experience

Industry Competitiveness and Jobs: The World Bank Group's Experience

Join us to learn how countries can boost their industries and promote job growth, and what role the Bank should play.
How can development partners meet the huge demand for evaluation capacity?

How can development partners meet the huge demand for evaluation capacity?

The CLEAR Initiative is a multi-donor program that takes a unique, and scalable, approach to meeting the growing demand for evaluation capacity development in developing countries.

Belize - Completion and learning review of the country partnership framework for the period FY12 - FY15 : IEG review

This is the first country partnership strategy (CPS) for Belize following the Bank’s reengagement in 2009 through an interim strategy note (ISN-FY 09-11), after a long hiatus (2001-…

Vietnam - Completion and learning review of the country partnership framework for the period FY12-16 : IEG review

Vietnam is a lower middle income country with a GNI per capita income of USD 1,990 in 2015. During the review period, the country continued to experience rapid GDP growth averaging 5.…
Influencing Change – How do we engage clients after the evaluation?

Influencing Change - How do we engage clients after the evaluation?

To help ensure meaningful client action in responses to evaluation recommendations, IEG helps the Board to systematically track World Bank Group commitments. We share how well this is working.

Senegal : A Decade of World Bank Support to Senegal’s Nutrition Program

Ce rapport évalue la performance de trois projets : (1) le Programme de Renforcement de la nutrition, (2) le Projet de Renforcement de la nutrition à l’appui de la Deuxième phase du Programme de Renforcement de la…

Kosovo - Completion and learning review for the period FY12-FY16 : IEG Review

Kosovo is a lower middle income country. Due to its recent turbulent past, Kosovo is considered a fragile and conflict affected country. About 30 percent of the population lived in…

Togo - Completion and learning review for the period FY08-FY17 : IEG Review

This is a validation of the Completion and Learning Review (CLR) for the World Bank Group’s (WBG) engagement in Togo covering two Interim Strategy Notes (ISNs) for the period, FY08-FY10; and FY12-13. In line with the…
Results and Development: What the World Bank Group can learn from the World Cup

Results and Development - What the World Bank Group can learn from the World Cup

What if the World Bank Group were a soccer team? Would it win the World Cup of Development Results and transform the image of development?
Conversations: Making Evaluation Work for the World Bank

Conversations: Making Evaluation Work for the World Bank, the African Development Bank, and Beyond

Caroline Heider, Director General, Evaluation of the World Bank Group and Rakesh Nangia, Evaluator General of the African Development Bank, explore the role of independent evaluation in their respective institutions,…