
Displaying 3651 - 3660 of 5577

Philippines - Reform Program for Government Corporations Project

This is the Performance Audit Report (PAR) of the Himalayan Watershed Management Project in India. The overall rating of this project is satisfactory, and the performance of both the…

The Seed Industry in South Asia


Aga Khan Rural Support Program: Looking to the Future


Industrial Restructuring: World Bank Experience, Future Challenges

For most completed public enterprise restructuring operations, sustainability of benefits has been a large problem, mainly because of fragile sector reforms and inadequate governance and management. Those completed for…

Lending for Electric Power in Sub-Saharan Africa

This work evaluates the performance of 41 power projects completed between 1978 and 1993 and attempts to determine whether the region has posed—and will continue to pose—a special challenge for World Bank lending in…

La industria de las semillas en Asia meridional

Las variedades de cultivos de alto rendimiento que se obtuvieron en los últimos años sesenta y primeros setenta fueron el pilar de la Revolución Verde. Cuando comenzó la fase de distribución, fue necesario crear…

Programa Aga Khan de apoyo al sector rural: una mirada al futuro

Desde sus comienzos hace 13 años, el Programa de apoyo rural del Aga Khan (Aga Khan Rural Support Program, AKRSP) ha transformado las zonas septentrionales y de Chitral, regiones remotas de Pakistán, en ejemplos…

India - Industrial Export (Engineering Products) Project

This is the Performance Audit Report (PAR) of the Himalayan Watershed Management Project in India. The overall rating of this project is satisfactory, and the performance of both the…

Kenya - Development of Housing, Water Supply and Sanitation in Nairobi

This study evaluates the impact of improved infrastructure on the urbandevelopment of Nairobi city over 20 years. The focus is on land and housing markets, including cost recovery and credit systems; public sector…

Arab Republic of Egypt - El-Dikheila Reinforcing Bar Project

This report evaluates multisector impact since 1992 and assesses the sustainability of benefits. It discusses industry sector impact, foreign investment and exchange savings, and environmental controls and provides…