
Displaying 2401 - 2410 of 5577

Croatia - Enterprise and Financial Sector Adjustment Loan, Enterprise and Financial Sector Technical Assistance, and Capital Markets Development Projects

The Enterprise And Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Project (EFSAL) is rated moderately unsatisfactory; its sustainability is likely; institutional development impact is modest; and Bank and Borrower performance both…

Albania - Rehabilitation Credit, Recovery Program Technical Assistance Project, Public Expenditure Support Credit and Structural Adjustment Credit Project

Project ratings are as follows: The outcomes of the four projects are satisfactory; the sustainability o f all credits is rated as likely; the institutional development impact for all four credits is rated as…

Latvia - Agricultural Development and Rural Development Projects

The Agricultural Development Project Performance Assessment Ratings (PPAR) are the same as the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) ratings. The Rural Development PPAR differ from the ICR ; the outcome is rated as…

Pakistan: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) will assess the Bank's assistance to Pakistan over the period FY94-FY03, taking into account the political and economic environment. This country assessment will review: (i) the…

Bangladesh - Second Gas Development, and Gas Infrastructure Development Projects

The audit conveys mixed results in comparison with the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) ratings, for while it concurs on satisfactory outcomes, and negligible institutional development impacts regarding the Second…

Ghana - Primary School Development, and Basic Education Sector Improvement Projects

The audit ratings regarding the Basic Education Sector Improvement Project, concur with the Implementation Completion Report ' s of a moderately satisfactory project outcome, likely sustainability, modest institutional…

Mauritania - Private Sector Development, Private Sector Development and Capacity Building, Public Resource Management, and Fiscal Reform Support Credits

The objective of the Private Sector Development Credit (PSDC) and the Private Sector Development and Capacity Building Credit (PSDCBC) for Mauritania, was to accelerate private sector development (PSD) by addressing the…

Mauritania - Private Sector Development, Private Sector Development and Capacity Building, Public Resource Management, and Fiscal Reform Support Credits

The objective of the Private Sector Development Credit (PSDC) and the Private Sector Development and Capacity Building Credit (PSDCBC) for Mauritania, was to accelerate private sector development (PSD) by addressing the…

Evaluation Capacity Development: OED Self-Evaluation

This report describes OED's work to help countries strengthen their monitoring and evaluation systems. It assesses the scope, results, quality, strengths and weaknesses of this ECD work.