
Displaying 11 - 20 of 48

Evaluacion de la Asistencia a Bolivia (Bolivia CAE in Spanish)

En este informe se evalúa la asistencia del Banco Mundial a Bolivia durante el período de seis años que comenzó el 1 de julio de 1998 y finalizó el 30 de junio de 2004 (es decir, los ejercicios econÃ…

Bolivia: Country Assistance Evaluation

This report evaluates the World Bank's assistance to Bolivia over the six-year period between July 1, 1998, and June 30, 2004 (i.e., Bank FYs 1999-04). The Bank's assistance to Bolivia between FY86 and FY98 was…

Bolivia: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)


CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Bolivia Case Study

This report describes Bolivia's experience implementing the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) principles and is based on a Country Case Study conducted by the World Bank's Operations and Evaluation department in…

Bolivia - Biodiversity Conservation Project (GEF)

Project outcome is rated moderately satisfactory mainly because there were significant shortcomings related to establishing a biodiversity monitoring system, the legal framework for…

Bolivia - Biodiversity Conservation Project

Project outcome is rated moderately satisfactory mainly because there were significant shortcomings related to establishing a biodiversity monitoring system, the legal framework for…

Bolivia - The Second Social Investment Fund Project (Water Supply and Sanitation Components only) and the Rural Water and Sanitation Project

This report focuses exclusively on the water supply, sanitation, community development, and health education aspects of the two projects to allow cross-sectoral lessons to be drawn…

Gestión del agua en Bolivia: Historia de tres ciudades

La población urbana en Bolivia se ha duplicado desde los últimos años setenta. El suministro de servicios adecuados de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento ha presentado un gran desafío. Para comprender las…

Gestion de l'eau en Bolivie: Le conte de trois cités

Avec le doublement de la part de la population urbaine en Bolivie depuis la fin des années 70, la fourniture de services d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement s'est révélée une tâche particuliÅ

Bolivia Water Management: A Tale of Three Cities

The urban share of Bolivia's population has doubled since the late 1970s. Providing adequate water and sanitation services has proved a major challenge. To understand the lessons of the Bolivian experience, the…