
Displaying 1 - 10 of 12

Vietnam - Education Projects : School Readiness and Escuela Nueva

The government and people of Vietnam place a high value on education. The government’s Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2010–20 and the Socio-Economic Development Plan 2016–20 emphasize the importance of investment…

Vietnam : forest sector development project

The Forest Sector Development Project, which was implemented between 2004 and 2015, contributed to the significant reforestation efforts made by the people of Vietnam. In parallel to this smallholder plantation…

Vietnam - Public Financial Management Reform Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the performance of the World Bank's Public Financial Management Reform Project (PFMRP) and the Multi- Donor Trust Fund to Support Public Financial Management…

Vietnam - Sixth-Tenth Poverty Reduction Supports Credit Project; Second Phase of the 135 Programs Supports Credit Project; and One-Two Public Investment Reform Project

This Program Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates three completed series of Development Policy Operations (DPOs) that consisted of 10 operations implemented from 2007 to 2012. Around $2 billion was disbursed…

Vietnam - Second Higher Education Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report reviews the impact of the World Bank's Second Higher Education Project in Vietnam. The project objective was to increase the quality of teaching and research in universities in…

Vietnam - Transmission, Distribution, and Disaster Reconstruction Project; Rural Energy Project; and System Efficiency Improvement, Equitization, and Renewables Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report evaluates three power sector operations in Vietnam, the Transmission, Distribution and Disaster Reconstruction Project, the Rural Energy Project, and the System Efficiency…

Vietnam - Three Cities Sanitation Project, Sanitation Management for Urban Areas Project

This is a Performance Assessment of two World Bank-supported activities to assist the urban sanitation and drainage sectors in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Three Cities Sanitation Project was the first Bank-…

Vietnam - Mekong Delta Water Resources Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report for the Mekong Delta Water Resource Project in Vietnam. The project supported the construction of sluice gates, rehabilitation and improvement of existing main, primary…

Vietnam - Rural Finance Project

This report assesses the performance of the Vietnam Rural Finance Project (RFI). The objective of RFI was to assist the borrower in its efforts to improve living conditions in the rural areas through: (a) encouraging…

Vietnam - Irrigation Rehabilitation Project; Water Supply Project; Inland Waterways and Port Rehabilitation Project; and Coastal Wetlands Protection Project

This Project Performance Assessment reviews the experience of four projects: the Irrigation Rehabilitation Project; the Water Supply Project; the Inland Waterways and Port Rehabilitation Project; and the Coastal…