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2013 IEG Good Practice Awards

The IEG Good Practice Awards highlight exemplary design and implementation in World Bank projects and country programs, and excellence in self-evaluation in World Bank, IFC and MIGA operations. The purpose is to create…

Ten Key Issues for Diagnosis of a Government's M&E Systems

1. Genesis of the existing M&E system: role of M&E advocates or champions; key events which created the priority for M&E information (e.g., election of reform-oriented government, fiscal crisis).   2.…

What is Monitoring and Evaluation?

Monitoring can be defined as: "A continuing function that uses systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide management and the main stakeholders of an ongoing development intervention with…

World Bank Group and Guarantees: Three Questions

Should the WBG be in the guarantee business? Guarantee instruments have been largely effective in supporting WBG strategic objectives. Across the WBG, guarantees have effectively promoted private investment.…

Evaluation Principles and Standards

Evaluation Standards IEG's Phase 2 Report of the Bank’s involvement in global programs recommended, among other things, that IEG should include global programs in its standard evaluation and reporting processes to the…

Global and Regional Program Sites and Evaluations

IEG has so far reviewed the most recent evaluations of more than 30 global and regional partnership programs as part of its Phase 2 Report of the Bank's involvement in global programs and its ongoing Global and Regional…

Reducing Poverty through Sustainable Forest Use

Forests are vital to human survival. About 1.3 billion–1.6 billion people depend on forests for food, energy, timber and many other uses. But rampant deforestation has meant the loss of nearly one half of the Earth’…

Gestion des ressources forestières pour le développement durable: Evaluation de l'expérience du Groupe de la Banque mondiale

[English] Il y a dix ans, la Banque mondiale a modifié son approche dans le secteur forestier en mettant la réduction de la pauvreté et le développement économique au centre des ses priorités au même titre que…