
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

Peru – Sierra Rural Development Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Peru Sierra Rural Development Project (P079165). The assessment will contribute to learning from projects that seek to increase the integration of small-…
Carbon Markets for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in a Warming World

Carbon Markets for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in a Warming World

This evaluation assesses the role and contributions of the World Bank Group in Carbon Finance (CF) in relation to the needs and priorities of its client countries, its potential comparative advantages, and draws lessons…
What More Can the World Bank Group Do to Support Environmental Sustainability

Conversations: What More Can the World Bank Group Do to Support Environmental Sustainability?

Excerpts from a panel discussion about the how the Bank Group has mainstreamed and measured projects with potential environmental benefits.
How is the World Bank Group Supporting Environmental Sustainability?

How is the World Bank Group Supporting Environmental Sustainability?

A discussion and debate about what more the World Bank Group needs to do to ensure environmental sustainability.

Turkey - Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project

This version of the PPAR report has been translated to Turkish. Turkey faces high vulnerability to earthquakes, with Istanbul posing the most serious risk due its high seismic risk and its role as the population and…
Are World Bank Group Projects Getting Cleaner

Are World Bank Group Projects Getting Cleaner, Greener, and More Resilient?

Highlights from the 2017 Results and Performance of the World Bank Group

Local and Regional Pollution Reduction Co-Benefits from Climate Change Mitigation Interventions: A Literature Review

IEG’s evaluation on pollution and the World Bank Group commissioned a review of the empirical literature on pollution co-benefits from climate change mitigation interventions, emphasizing air pollution benefits. Such…

Bulgaria : district heating project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluates the development effectiveness and sustainability of results of the World Bank–financed District Heating…