
Displaying 1 - 10 of 19

Macedonia Country Study - Pension Reform and the Development of Pension Systems: An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance

This paper belongs to series of 19 country and regional case studies commissioned as background research for the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report "Pension Reform and the Development of Pension…

Lessons for LICUS (REACH)

Countries may move in and out of the Low Income Country under Stress (LICUS) category depending on the severity of external shocks and the responses which they elicit. Sources of stress vary. Shifting country…

Involuntary Resettlement: The Large Dam Experience:

The bank's recent study of involuntary resettlement shows that for years, the infrastructure and human sides of projects were utterly disconnected in most instances. That is now changing, as more countries voice their…

Reasentamiento involuntario Experiencia con grandes presas

UN ESTUDIO RECIENTE DEL BANCO SOBRE EL reasentamiento involuntario, indica que los países que no tienen ni la capacidad ni la obligación de gestionar bien el elemento importante es la necesidad de obrar fuera del…

Déplacements et Réinstallations Involontaires: L'Expérience des Grands Barrages

UNE ÉTUDE RÉCENTE DE LA BANQUE SUR LES DÉPLACEMENTS ET réinstallations involontaires de population montre que les pays ne doivent pas entreprendre la construction de grands barrages s'ils n'ont pas la…

Restabelecimento Involuntário da População A Experiência com as
Grandes Barragens

UM ESTUDO RECENTE DO BANCO SOBRE O restabelecimento involuntário da população mostra que se os países não tiverem a capacidade e o compromisso de lidar bem com o restabelecimento involuntário da…

Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement: Togo - Nangbeto


Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement : Overview


Togo: Country Assistance Note

This Country Assistance Evaluation for Togo, which was previously issued as a draft in December 1997, is now being re-issued for the purpose of public disclosure. Togo ' s adjustment performance was one of the best…

Togo - First and Second (Educational Improvement) Education Projects

The Karachi Water Supply and Special Development Projects for Pakistan were rated satisfactory and unsatisfactory, respectively. The Karachi Water Supply Project largely achieved its…