
Displaying 2581 - 2590 of 5577

Benin - Borgou Region Pilot Rural Support Project

This report rates project outcome as satisfactory rather than highly satisfactory. given the importance that the LIL places on increasing communiy capacity, it is imperative that project performance indicators are able…

Romania - Bucharest Water Supply Project

The OED project performance assessment rates the outcome of the project as "satisfactory", its sustainability as "likely", its institutional development impact as "substantial", Bank performance as "satisfactory" and…

Russian Federation - Coal Sector Adjustment Loan, and Second Coal Sector Adjustment Loan

TThere were some shortcomings in outcome and in Bank and Borrower performance, mainly related to inadequate attention under this project to the issues of divested social assets, environmental mitigation, safety and…

Toward Country-led Development:a Multi-partner Evaluation of the Comprehensive Development Framework

The Comprehensive Development Framework - launched by World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn in early 1999 - has become an important influence on the global development agenda. The core Comprehensive Development…

The Comprehensive Development Frame Work: A Multi-Partner Review (Reach)

The Comprehensive Development Frame Work (CDF) - launched by the Bank in 1999 - has become an important influence on the global development agenda. It helped shape initiatives such as the Millennium Development Goals(…

Brazil - Public Sector Management, Private Sector Finance, Rio Grande Do Sul State Reform, Rio de Janeiro State Reform Privatization & Mato Grosso State Privatization Projects

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for five loans to Brazil, covering the period 1986-2001. The loans are: the Public Sector Management Project (Loan 2721-BR); the Private Sector Finance Project (…

Agriculture Policy Reform in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Transition Economies, 1991-2002 - An Assessment of the World Bank's Approach

This desk study evaluates the Bank's contribution to policy reform in the agriculture sector of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) transition economies, covering the period 1991-2002. Compared to other regions,…

Indonesia - Suralaya Thermal Power Project and Sumatera and Kalimantan Power Project

This report finds that the ongoing financial weakness of the national power utility (PLN), the Suralaya Thermal Power Project has had a moderately satisfactory overall outcome because of the successful and timely…

Russia - Tax Administration Modernization Project

The overall purpose of the project was to help develop and install an effective and efficient system of tax administration. The project had two main objectives: (a) to pilot reforms of the State Tax Service (STS) in two…

Brasil: Avaliação da Assistência do Banco Mundial ao País (Brazil: Country Assistance Evaluation in Portuguese)

This report evaluates the World Bank assistance program to Brazil during the 1990-2002 period, covering the administrations of Presidents Fernando Collor de Mello/Itamar Franco (1990-94) and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (…