
Displaying 3091 - 3100 of 5577

Déplacements et Réinstallations Involontaires: L'Expérience des Grands Barrages

UNE ÉTUDE RÉCENTE DE LA BANQUE SUR LES DÉPLACEMENTS ET réinstallations involontaires de population montre que les pays ne doivent pas entreprendre la construction de grands barrages s'ils n'ont pas la…

Restabelecimento Involuntário da População A Experiência com as
Grandes Barragens

UM ESTUDO RECENTE DO BANCO SOBRE O restabelecimento involuntário da população mostra que se os países não tiverem a capacidade e o compromisso de lidar bem com o restabelecimento involuntário da…

Senegal - Economic Recovery Credit Project, and Private Sector Adjustment and Competitiveness Credit Project

The outcomes of both projects are rated satisfactory, and, sustainability is likely. The Economic Recovery Credit (ERC) Project delivered improved macroeconomic results, with sharp…

Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Experience in Supporting Sound Governance


Burkina Faso - Structural Adjustment and Economic Recovery Credit Projects

The Structural Adjustment Credit (SAC) Project outcome is rated as marginally satisfactory, its institutional development impact modest, and its sustainability uncertain based on the…

Partnership for Education in Jordan

With vision and an innovative spirit, Jordan launched a program of education reform in 1985, and continues to work toward the goal it embodies: to establish an educational system that will enable its graduates to match…

Agricultural Extension: The Kenya Experience

The training and visit (T&V) system of agricultural extension service management was introduced in Kenya by the World Bank in 1982. Two Bank projects, the First and Second National Extension Projects (NEP I and II…

Alianza para la educación en Jordania

Con vision y espiritu innovador, Jordania puso en marcha en 1985 un programa de reforma educativa y sigue trabajando en pos del objetivo que éste encarna: establecer un sistema educativo cuyos graduados puedan alcanzar…

Pakistan - Fourth Highway, Transport Sector, and Karachi Port Modernization Projects

The Project performance audit report for three transport projects in Pakistan (Transport Sector Project, Fourth Highway Project, and the Karachi Port Modernization Project) generally…

Fortalecimiento de la Capacidad de Evaluacion
