In 2015, World leaders committed to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) – an ambitious agenda that seeks to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity for all by 2030. To meet these goals, countries around the world will need to mobilize trillions of dollars in new investments at a time when global growth is slowing and overseas development assistance is declining.

The role of the private sector has come into sharp focus at recent global conferences, including the Addis Ababa Forum, SDG Summit, G-20, and World Economic Forum, as governments and institutions, including the World Bank Group, increasingly seek to tap private capital for development projects.

This event will explore emerging opportunities and trends for the private sector to advance the 2030 agenda.

Watch a re-play of the event

Watch a video message from Tony Elumelu, Chairman of Heirs Holdings and United Bank for Africa and Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation.

Watch interviews with event panelists Anne-Marie Chidzero, Matthew T. McGuire, and with moderator Caroline Heider.

Keep the conversation going at #investinSDGs



Bambang Brodjonegoro

Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro

Minister of National Development Planning of Indonesia

Bambang Brodjonegoro is the Minister for Development Planning and head of Indonesia’s National Development Planning Agency, known as Bappenas. Prior to his appointment in July 2016, Dr. Bambang served as Minister of Finance, and prior to that, as Vice Minister of Finance, a position he held since October 2013. He joined the Ministry of Finance in January 2011 as the Acting Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency. From 2009 to 2011, Dr. Bambang was the Director General of the Islamic Research & Training Institute of the Islamic Development Bank, and prior to that he served as Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia from 2005 to 2009.

Anne-Marie Chidzero

Anne-Marie Chidzero

Managing Partner, Alitheia Identity, and Board Member, Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund and Women’s World Banking

Ms. Chidzero has spent over 25 years working with development capital to build African financial markets and businesses for economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa. Her work has taken her to 32 African Anglo-, Franco- and Lusophone countries with the World Bank, UK-DFID, and on behalf of investors. She recently established and led the Financial Sector Deepening-Mozambique (FSDMoç) Fund, and also managed a microfinance investment fund returning capital to investors. She sits on the Board of the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund and the Advisory Board of Women’s Banking. ...

Hans Peter

Hans Peter Lankes

Vice President of Economics and Private Sector Development, International Finance Corporation

Mr. Lankes is responsible for ensuring that IFC’s strategies and projects have a consistent focus on development results. He also provides independent economic analysis and oversight to all IFC’s operations, and ensures coordination with the World Bank and other international financial institutions on private sector development issues. He previously served as the Managing Director of Corporate Strategy at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development....

Susan Lund

Susan Lund

Partner, McKinsey Global Institute

Susan Lund is a partner of McKinsey & Company and a leader of the McKinsey Global Institute. She conducts economic research on financial markets, labor markets, and the global growth outlook. Her latest research includes independent work and the gig economy, digital finance in emerging markets, and how digital technologies are transforming globalization. Other recent research includes the continuing accumulation of global debt and potential risks; how digital platforms are transforming labor markets; and growth prospects for African economies in an era of lower commodity prices. ...

Matthew McGuire

Matthew T. McGuire

Managing Director at the Abraaj Group

Before joining The Abraaj Group, Mr. McGuire served as the United States Executive Director of the World Bank Group until 2017. As the U.S. Executive Director. Previously, Dr. McGuire served as Director of the Office of the Business Liaison at the U.S. Department of Commerce. In this capacity, he managed the Secretary’s relationships with business leaders globally, and he worked closely with policy making entities across the Obama Administration, including the National Economic Council, the National Security Council, and the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness....


Luis Fernando Mejia

Director-General at Colombia’s National Planning Department

Dr. Mejia is an economist with Master’s studies at Universidad de los Andes (Bogota) and PhD studies at the University of Chicago. Previously, he served as Sectoral Deputy Director-General at the same entity, Technical Director for Macroeconomic Policy at the Ministry of Finance, and researcher at Colombia’s Central Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. He has also worked as a lecturer on Macroeconomics at the universities of Chicago, Los Andes and Javeriana. 


Caroline Heider

Caroline Heider

Director General, Independent Evaluation Group

Caroline Heider is currently the Director General of the Independent Evaluation Group at the World Bank (IEG), a position she has held since 2011. Ms. Heider has dedicated the last 30 years of her career to evaluating the work of development and humanitarian organizations, transforming findings into lessons and promoting innovative ways for institutions to apply the knowledge derived from evaluations towards accelerating development effectiveness. As a senior leader, Ms. Heider has a proven track record in leading change, strengthening institutions, and building evaluation capacity through testing and trying new methods to get to better evidence and greater insights. She has first-hand experience evaluating policies and programs in over 30 countries around the world. Ms. Heider is a leading voice in the international evaluation community. She is a life-time member of the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) and a member of the American Evaluation Association. She chaired the Global Evaluation Advisory Committee of UN Women for the first years of its existence. In the past, she has been a member of the Australasian Evaluation Society and served a 2-year term as vice-chair of the UN Evaluation Group ....