IEG LIVE: [How] Does the World Bank Group Learn...from its Operations? Lessons from the Fifth Discipline
IEG LIVE: [How] Does the World Bank Group Learn...from its Operations? Lessons from the Fifth Discipline
IEG hosted a HARD-Talk with Peter Senge. Do organizations learn? Are the challenges we experience in the World Bank “normal”, or are they specific to us as an organization? What does a thought leader in organizational learning think of IEG’s recommendations - and what would he have recommended?
Have we (finally!) figured out how to be a learning organization? For the first in the series on “[How] Does the Bank learn from its Operations?!”
IEG’s new evaluation - “Learning and Results II” – argues for a step-change in how the Bank creates, shares, and uses knowledge from its lending operations. Peter gave us the “outside” view and complement the evaluation’s insights: Do organizations learn? Are the challenges we experience in the World Bank “normal”, or are they specific to us as an organization? What does a thought leader in organizational learning think of IEG’s recommendations - and what would he have recommended?
Watch a replay of the event :
Additional Resources:
How Does the World Bank Learn from Operations? #WBLearns
Peter Senge
Chair, Society of OrganizationalLearning (SoL) and Sr. Lecturer,Massachussets Institute ofTechnology (MIT)
Soniya Carvalho
Lead Evaluation Officer, Public Sector, Independent Evaluation Group
Monika Weber-Fahr
Chief Knowledge Officer and Sr. ManagerIndependent Evaluation Group
Caroline Heider
Director-General and Sr. Vice President,
Independent Evaluation Group
Vinod Thomas
Director General
Asian Development Bank
Access the evaluation reports that will be discussed during this event: