The World Bank Group in the Kyrgyz Republic
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World Bank. 2013a. Kyrgyz Republic—Country Economic Memorandum. Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank. 2013b. Kyrgyz Republic—Country Partnership Strategy for the Period FY14–17. Washington, DC: World Bank.
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World Bank. 2015a. “Kyrgyz Republic—National Road Rehabilitation Project.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR14864, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2015b. “Kyrgyz Republic—Second Phase of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR14838, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2015c. “Kyrgyz Republic—Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project.” Implementation Completion and Results Report ICR00003289, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2016a. “Kyrgyz Republic—AG PROD.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0020173, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2016b. “Kyrgyz Republic—Capacity Building in Public Financial Management Project.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0020087, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2016c. “Kyrgyz Republic—Country Partnership Strategy for the Period FY14–FY15.” Performance and Learning Review 103768, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2016d. “Kyrgyz Republic—HEALTH and SOC PROT.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0020140, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2016e. “Kyrgyz Republic—Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project.” Project Appraisal Document PAD1743, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2016f. “Kyrgyz Republic—Urban Development Project.” Project Appraisal Document PAD1559, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2017a. “Kyrgyz Republic—Bishkek and Osh Urban Infrastructure.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0020305, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2017b. “Kyrgyz Republic—Second Capacity Building in Public Financial Management Project.” Project Appraisal Document PAD1837, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2018a. Kyrgyz Republic—Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY19–FY22. Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank. 2018b. “Kyrgyz Republic—Country Partnership Strategy for FY14–17.” Completion and Learning Review 131139, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2018c. Kyrgyz Republic: From Vulnerability to Prosperity. Systematic Country Diagnostic. Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank. 2018d. “Kyrgyz Republic—Review of Country Partnership Strategy for FY14–17.” Country Partnership Strategy Completion and Learning Review Review 131139, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2018e. “Kyrgyz Republic—Support to Community Seed Funds (P144338).” Implementation Completion and Results Report 129667, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2018f. “Kyrgyz Republic—Village Investment Project and Second Village Investment Project.” Project Performance Assessment Report 123089, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2019. “Kyrgyz Republic—KG Financial Sector Development Project (P125689).” Implementation Status and Results Report ISR37784, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2020a. “Central Asia—Central Asia Road Links—Phase 1.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0022297, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2020b. “Kyrgyz Republic—Health and SP 2.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0022323, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2020c. “Kyrgyz Republic—Results-Based Health.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0021974, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2020d. “Kyrgyz Republic—Sector Support for Education Reform.” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0022012, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2020e. “Transformation for MFIs in Kyrgyzstan.” PCR Evaluative Note, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2021a. Analysis of Local Governments Capacity for Better Service Delivery in Kyrgyz Republic. Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank. 2021b. “Kyrgyz Republic—Economic Governance Development Policy Operation (P163983).” Implementation Completion and Results Report ICR00005698, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2021c. Kyrgyz Republic: Integrated State-Owned Enterprises Framework (iSOEF) Assessment. Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank. 2021d. “Kyrgyz Republic SECO Financial Sector Development Project—Trust Fund Technical Assistance Virtual Mission and Launch of the Restructured Project.” Aide-Mémoire March 23–April 30, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2021e. “One Year Later in the Kyrgyz Republic’s Battle against COVID-19.” News, March 17, 2021.
World Bank. 2022a. “Analysis of Local Governments Capacity for Better Service Delivery in Kyrgyz Republic.” Concept Note P178182, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022b. “Background Note: Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Administrative-Territorial Reform in the Kyrgyz Republic: Reform Options.” Unpublished manuscript.
World Bank. 2022c. “Kyrgyz Republic—Capacity Building in Public Financial Management 2 (P155148).” Implementation Status and Results Report ISR52461, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022d. “Kyrgyz Republic—Climate Resilient Water Services Project.” Project Appraisal Document PAD4677, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022e. “Kyrgyz Republic—Country Partnership Framework for the Period FY19–22.” Performance and Learning Review 171366-KG, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022f. “Kyrgyz Republic: The First and Second Development Policy Operations and Programmatic Governance and Competitiveness Development Policy Operation.” Project Performance Assessment Report 169251, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022g. “Kyrgyz Republic—KG Financial Sector Development Project (P125689).” Implementation Completion and Results Report ICR00005674, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022h. “Kyrgyz Republic—Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project.” Aide-Mémoire March 9–17, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022i. “Kyrgyz Republic—Urban Development Project (P151416).” Implementation Completion and Results Report ICR00005529, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank. 2022j. “Kyrgyz Republic—Urban Development Project (P151416).” Implementation Completion and Results Report Review ICRR0023005, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, Washington, DC.
World Bank Group. 2016a. Kyrgyzstan Financial Sector Development: Country Engagement Note. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
World Bank Group. 2016b. Linking Farmers to Markets through Productive Alliances: An Assessment of the World Bank Experience in Latin America. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
World Bank Group. 2018. Kyrgyz Republic: Developing Agri-Food Value Chains. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
World Bank Group. 2019. Typology of Small and Medium Enterprise Needs and Interventions. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
World Bank Group. 2020a. Doing Business 2020: Comparing Business Regulation in 190 Economies. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
World Bank Group. 2020b. Kyrgyz Republic—Public Expenditure Review: Creating Fiscal Space for Inclusive Growth. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
World Bank Group. 2021. Kyrgyz Republic—Public Expenditure Review: Better Spending for Building Human Capital. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
World Bank Group, EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), and EIB (European Investment Bank). 2019. Kyrgyz Republic—Enterprise Survey 2019. Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Economic Forum. 2012. The Global Competitiveness Report 2012–2013. Geneva: World Economic Forum.