Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2022

This report, also known as the RAP, is the 2022 annual review of the World Bank Group’s development effectiveness. As a new contribution, this 12th edition of the RAP analyzes outcomes and performance at the country program level, along with updating project ratings and trends from previous RAPs, and carries forward previous analyses of outcome orientation at the country level and of the Bank Group’s high-level outcomes.

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2022

IEG’s Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2022 report, also known as RAP 2022, assesses the World Bank Group’s performance by analyzing the achievement of project and program objectives through validated ratings.

The country is the primary unit of engagement of the World Bank Group and this RAP presents the effectiveness of the Bank Group’s support at the country program level. It covers lending, advisory services and analytics, and International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) operations over the 10-year period FY13–22.

The Bank Group revised its country engagement guidance in July 2021 to address weaknesses in its approach to country programs, including in the results frameworks of its Country Partnership Frameworks (CPFs). This revised guidance did not yet apply to the country programs analyzed in this RAP. Instead, this RAP establishes a baseline against which the country program performance resulting from the new guidance can be assessed in the future.

Building on the RAP 2020 and RAP 2021, this RAP updates the project rating trends since then and carries forward the analysis of outcome orientation at the country level and of the line of sight from Bank Group support to High-Level Outcomes. These outcomes are defined by the Bank Group as a sustained improvement in the well-being of the poorest and most vulnerable people.

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