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IFC’s and MIGA’s Support for Private Investment in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations


AMM ACLEDA Myanmar Microfinance Institution

CAFEF Conflict-Affected and Fragile Economies Facility

CASA Conflict Affected States in Africa

COVID-19 coronavirus

DFI development finance institution

E&S environmental and social

FCS fragile and conflict-affected situations

FCV fragility, conflict, and violence

FDI foreign direct investment

FY fiscal year

IDA International Development Association

IDA18 18th Replenishment of IDA

IEG Independent Evaluation Group

IFC International Finance Corporation

IPP independent power producer

MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

PRI political risk insurance

PSW Private Sector Window

SIP Small Investment Program

SME small and medium enterprise

All dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated.