Enhancing the Effectiveness of the World Bank’s Global Footprint
This evaluation was prepared by an Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) team led by Anna Aghumian, senior evaluation officer, and coauthored by Elizabeth Goller, senior evaluation officer. The report was prepared under the supervision of Galina Sotirova, manager, IEG Corporate and Human Development, and Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, director, IEG Human Development and Economic Management, and under the overall guidance of Alison Evans, Director-General, Evaluation.
The core team was composed of Anis Dani (fragile and conflict-affected situations and case studies), Gus Greenstein (literature review and multivariate statistical study), Basil Kavalsky (case studies), Jessica Payton (interview analysis), Santiago Ramirez Rodriguez (portfolio analysis and task team leader [TTL] survey), Aline Weng (multivariate statistical analysis and portfolio analysis), and Yezena Zemene Yimer. In addition, case studies were prepared by Maximillian Ashwill, Cyprian Fisiy, Jennifer Keller, Andres Liebenthal (International Finance Corporation), and Neeta Sirur. Other contributors were Rocio Manchado Garabito (interviews and Country Partnership Framework desk review), Xiaoxiao Peng, and Sylvia Tabitha (TTL survey). Qihui Chen advised on the multivariate statistical study, and Maurya West Meiers provided advice on the TTL survey and focus groups. Rasmus Heltberg contributed with strategic advice, and Estelle Raimondo provided methods advice. Maximillian Ashwill was the lead editor.
Peer reviewers for this evaluation were Marcus Cox, Agulhas Applied Knowledge; Dan Honig, Johns Hopkins University; Atul Mehta, International Finance Corporation (retired); and Onno Ruhl, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat.
The team gratefully acknowledges the World Bank Group staff and clients who participated in interviews, focus groups, and the TTL survey; the Human Resources and the Budget, Performance Review, and Strategic Planning Vice Presidencies for outstanding data support and collaboration; and the Operations Policy and Country Services technical counterparts.