Towards greener travel for the holidays and beyond
Towards greener travel for the holidays and beyond
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) recently published an Evaluation Insight Note (EIN) exploring the key challenges and opportunities in the World Bank’s support for decarbonizing transport. The EIN is a new product launched to meet the demand for more rapid and focused evaluative evidence to inform the thinking around key development challenges and to address knowledge gaps.
With that goal in mind, the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) recently published its first Evaluation Insight Note (EIN), which is focused on the World Bank’s support for decarbonizing transport. The EIN is a new product that IEG has launched in response to the demand for more rapid and focused evaluative evidence to inform the thinking around key development challenges and address knowledge gaps.
This first EIN explores patterns in the World Bank’s transport decarbonization work. IEG prepared the note in discussion with the Transport Global Practice and drew from a range of sources, including the self-evaluation system of the Bank, project documents, policy and academic literature, advisory services and analytics (ASA), and country strategies. The note relies heavily on data from the ongoing portfolio since evaluative evidence on transport decarbonization is limited and capturing the latest evolutions is critical to ensuring that the insights are practically relevant.
“Following COP27 there can be no doubt about the Bank’s commitment to increase its support for climate adaptation and mitigation to ensure a green, resilient, and inclusive future,” said Carmen Nonay, IEG Director for the Infrastructure, Finance, Private Sector, and Sustainable Development Department. “This EIN aims to contribute to the Bank’s goal of transitioning to a low-carbon and resilient development pathway for the transport system by highlighting opportunities to exploit for transport decarbonization.”
“Helping countries implement greener, more sustainable transport solutions is at the core of our Global Practice’s mission. We appreciate IEG’s extensive analysis of our decarbonization efforts, which provides key insights and will help us take this work even further. While we have accomplished a great deal – financing modern public transit systems, promoting green logistics, piloting e-mobility projects – more can be done,” noted Nicolas Peltier-Thiberge, Global Director for the Transport Global Practice. “In 2021 at COP26, we established the Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport (GFDT), whose goal is to provide seed resources that can help design a larger portfolio of programs that advance transport decarbonization in developing and emerging economies. This umbrella fund has just accepted its first round of projects. With more funding – and more support from key partners and stakeholders – the GFDT could help introduce the next wave of low-emissions transport solutions in the developing world.”
The World Bank’s transport decarbonization approaches seek to follow what is known as the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework. First, it aims to avoid unnecessary motorized travel for people and goods. Second, it seeks to shift to cleaner transport solutions in its projects, and third, it aims to improve the efficiency of transport infrastructure and services (figure 1).
Figure 1. Transport decarbonization activities as per the Avoid-Shift-Improve (ASI) framework
The World Bank has also sought to create a strong knowledge base on transport decarbonization, with the volume of analytical work rising since 2021, especially with the ongoing development of the transport decarbonization flagship publications. Yet, despite these gains, there remains room for growth. The composition of the transport lending portfolio could shift further to take advantage of more decarbonization opportunities, especially in urban and rail transport. There is a strong rationale to focus on sustainable transport in urban areas as they account for over 70% of all CO2 emissions and a growing share of the world’s population lives in urban areas.
Lastly, the EIN concludes that given that there is limited attention to transport decarbonization in the Bank’s project developmental objectives (PDOs), it is rarely directly measured. In the absence of a robust system to measure results, the only measure of success is the reasonably good track record of implementing decarbonization activities and follow-up on prior actions.
On this and many other key developmental challenges requiring urgent solutions, EINs aim to be a helpful resource that offers the Bank timely evidence drawn from IEG’s extensive body of evaluative work on the factors that contributed to development effectiveness. Future EINs are planned focused on issues ranging from transformational infrastructure projects, food safety and security, and private sector development.
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