It's Time Again to Evaluate the Evaluators
Have you used IEG’s evaluations in your work in the last year? Do you find IEG evaluations, blogs and events relevant to what you do? Tell us what we are doing right, or how we can get better.
Have you used IEG’s evaluations in your work in the last year? Do you find IEG evaluations, blogs and events relevant to what you do? Tell us what we are doing right, or how we can get better.
By: Caroline HeiderHave you used IEG’s evaluations in your work in the last year? Do you find IEG evaluations, blogs and events relevant to what you do? How can we be more impactful and how can we contribute more to the field of evaluation and global development? Tell us what we are doing right, or how we can get better.
Evaluate the Evaluators - take the 2018 Client Survey here
As an independent unit within the World Bank Group, IEG is charged with evaluating the activities of the World Bank (IBRD/IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). IEG provides impartial, evidence-based assessments of World Bank Group projects and activities and shares its findings and recommendations with the Bank Group’s Board, management, staff and other stakeholders in the development community.
Last week, we launched the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Annual Client Survey, which will run until April 13, 2018. The survey is open to external stakeholders and to all World Bank Group Staff and Consultants.
If you have used an IEG evaluation in your work, read one of our blogs, attended an IEG event, or interacted with IEG at all in the last year, we would like to get your feedback.
As an institution that evaluates others, we hold ourselves to the same standard and seek to be held accountable for the work that we do. That is why we value – and rely on – feedback from our clients and stakeholders, especially the feedback we receive through our annual client engagement survey.
The survey is an opportunity for all our stakeholders to provide feedback on the quality, relevance, and usefulness of IEG’s evaluation products and services and our engagement with you through our various outreach and learning activities. This year’s survey is being conducted by ORC International – an independent research consultancy firm.
Last year, we heard from over 2,000 respondents. The feedback, while mostly positive, also has given us plenty to reflect on.
We recognize that there is always room to do better, and over the last few years, we received many great suggestions, which we have taken into account when planning our work program. Many of the big initiatives that we implemented during the last few years, were, in part, a result of the feedback that we received from the recent surveys.
For more on other recent achievements, take a look at our #WhatWorked highlights from 2017, or read our most recent annual report.
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