Take the 2017 Client Survey


Evaluate the Evaluators - take the 2017 Client Survey

Do you use IEG evaluations to inform you work? Do you consider IEG a relevant player in the global development community? Do you find IEG communications, such as this blog, to be useful? Tell us what we are doing right, or how we can get better.

As evaluators, we are often on the other end of the feedback loop. Our role is to evaluate the work of others in order to help them understand what works, what isn’t working, and why. In the case of the World Bank Group, the Board of Directors relies on our independent evaluations to hold the World Bank Group accountable and, in doing so, help improve its operational performance.

Of course, we have to hold ourselves to the same standard and be held accountable for the work that we do. That is why we value – and rely on –feedback from our clients and stakeholders, especially the feedback we receive through   our annual client engagement survey.

This year’s survey is launching this week, and will be open until February 28. If you follow IEG or have otherwise engaged with our work, we would like to hear from you. Do you use IEG evaluations to inform you work? Do you consider IEG a relevant player in the global development community? Do you find IEG communications, such as this blog, to be useful? Tell us what we are doing right, or how we can get better. Here’s the link to take the survey.

Yes, We are Really Listening…

One of the most rewarding aspects of the surveys that we have commissioned in the past is that we get to hear from some of our most engaged stakeholders. Last year, for example, we heard from over 1,000 respondents. The feedback, while mostly positive, also has given us plenty to reflect on. And yes, we do pay close attention to what you, as IEG evaluators, have to say.

Overall, most stakeholders rate IEG highly on independence, relevance, product quality and usefulness. More than 80 percent of our 2015 survey respondents, for example, considered IEG sufficiently independent in carrying out its mandate. Over 75 percent of people, who completed the survey in 2015, reported that they were satisfied with the quality of IEG products, while nearly 4 in 5 respondents said that they found IEG evaluation products useful for understanding the development results of WBG projects and operations.

Naturally, there is always room to do better, and we received many great suggestions, which we have taken to heart.  Many of the big initiatives that we implemented during the last few years, were, in part, a result of the feedback that we received from the recent surveys.

For instance, we’ve doubled down on positioning IEG as a source of development knowledge, while balancing our mandate to hold the World Bank Group accountable through our independent evaluations. We’ve launched a learning fund to promote increased use of evaluation insights and evidence-based decision-making among our stakeholders. For more on other recent achievements, take a look at our #WhatWorked highlights from 2016, or read our most recent annual report.

Ultimately, no matter what we think of what we have been able to accomplish since our last survey –we rely on you, our key stakeholders, to tell us if we are on the right track. So, we hope you to take time to complete this year’s survey and tell us what you think of us – good and bad – and give us your thoughts about where we can do better.

It only takes fifteen minutes. So, please do take the survey.

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