Fragility and Conflict: Addressing the Causes and Consequences
Fragility and Conflict: Addressing the Causes and Consequences
Fragile and conflict situations in low and middle income countries have become an important focus of international assistance in recent years as recognition of the linkages between fragility, conflict, violence, and poverty has grown.
This session hosted by the Independent Evaluation Group, will discuss how countries can mitigate fragility, conflict and violence across different contexts. The session will highlight relevant insights from the World Bank Group and other stakeholders on addressing the short and long-term development challenges in fragile and conflict situations. Join the conversation live on Twitter at #Dev4Peace
Caroline Heider Director General of the Independent Evaluation Group
Caroline Heider has more than 25 years of international experience, the majority of which is in evaluation. Prior to joining the World Bank Group in 2011, she worked with five multilateral organizations, including the Asian Development Bank, International Fund for Agriculture Development, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNDP, and the World Food Program. She is a life-time member of the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS). She served a 2-year term as vice-chair of the UN Evaluation Group...
Opening Remarks
Jan Eliasson United Nations Deputy Secretary General
Mr. Jan Eliasson was appointed Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations in March 2012. Prior to this, Mr. Eliasson had a distinguished career in the Swedish foreign service, including postings as Sweden's Ambassador to the UN and the United States, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Minister of Sweden. Mr. Eliasson has also held several key positions within the United Nations, notably serving as the UN's first Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, as well as Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Darfur and President of the UN General Assembly.
Keynote Speaker
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown Chair, Business and Sustainable Development Commission
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown sits in the House of Lords and is active both in business and in the non-profit world. He previously served as UN Deputy Secretary General and Chief of Staff under Kofi Annan. For six years before that, he was Administrator of the United Nations Development Program, leading the UN’s development efforts around the world. Malloch-Brown has also previously served as the UK Prime Minister’s envoy for the London G20 Summit, and as Foreign Office Minister with responsibility for Africa and Asia. Lord Malloch-Brown is currently the Chairman at Smartmatic International Corporation...
Baroness Valerie Amos CH Director of SOAS University of London
Lady Valerie joined as Director of SOAS, University of London in September 2015. From 2010, she served as Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator at the UN. She served in a number of roles in the public sector including in local government and as Chief Executive of the Equal Opportunities Commission. Valerie was an adviser to the Mandela Government on leadership, change, management and strategy issues between 1994 and 1998. She was appointed a Labour Life Peer in 1997 and became a member of the Government in 1998...
Alain Bifani Director General, Ministry of Finance, Lebanon
Alain Bifani is a seasoned financial expert with over 20 years of international experience at the highest financial institutions’ level. He holds an Engineering degree in Optics and Telecommunication from the Ecole Superieure d’Optique (France) and a higher degree in Management and Finance from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), France....
Laura Frigenti Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
Before her appointment as Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Laura Frigenti was the Vice President of the Global Development Practice at Inter Action, a US association of non-governmental organizations operating at the international level in the emergency and humanitarian aid sphere and in development cooperation. Mrs. Frigenti previously spent nearly 20 years at the World Bank, which she joined in 1994, and where she progressed to increasingly senior positions...
Sophie de Caen UNDP Deputy Regional Director for the Arab States
Sophie de Caen is of Canadian nationality and is currently the Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director for the Arab States in UNDP New York. She has over 25 years of experience in international development including work in seven countries across four regions including UN Resident Coordinator in Cameroon and Senior UNDP Country Director in Haiti. Ms. de Caen has also worked as Head of Evaluation in UNCDF and as well as Director of the MDG Achievement Fund – a US$900 million Fund supporting 50 countries in achieving the MDGs
Christiaan Rebergen Director General for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
Christiaan Rebergen is the Director General for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands. From 2010 to 2012, Mr. Rebergen was Ambassador for MDGs and Public Private Partnerships. He has held numerous other positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2002. Previously, Mr. Rebergen worked in the Ministry of Finance...
Christoph Zürcher Professor of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa
Christoph Zürcher is a professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. His research interests include conflict and peacebuilding, international development cooperation in conflict zones, and impact evaluations. He has worked as a consultant for, among others, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the German Federal Ministry of Defense, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and the World Bank...
Raj Kumar President and Editor-in-Chief, DEVEX
Raj Kumar is the founding president and editor-in-chief of Devex, the media platform for the global development community. A social entrepreneur and digital media executive, he chairs the Humanitarian Council of the World Economic Forum and is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative and the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Kumar Raj began his career working in President Clinton’s campaign and later became Principal and Political Director at Penn, Schoen & Berland, the political strategy and polling firm that served Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mike Bloomberg, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, and dozens of other elected and corporate leaders....