Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation


The World Bank Group’s Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice (FCI) combines expertise in the financial sector with expertise in private sector development to foster private-sector led growth and help create markets in client countries.

Through this work, FCI strengthens the World Bank Group’s evolving approach to development finance: to maximize finance for development and to leverage private sector investments for sustainable and inclusive growth.

Financial Inclusion: A Foothold on the Ladder toward Prosperity?

Financial inclusion—access by poor families and microenterprises to financial services—has been an objective of the World Bank Group for a long time, reaffirmed in 2013 by President Jim Kim's commitment to the Universal Access Goal by 2020. This evaluation examines the relevance and effectiveness of seven years (fiscal years 2007–13) of World Bank Group support to financial inclusion and its impact on the poor