RAP 2017 > Chapter 3: Management Action Record (MAR)
RAP 2017 - Chapter 3: Tracking Implementation through the Management Action Record
The Management Action Record (MAR) tracks the progress of the implementation of World Bank Group Management Action Plans created in
response to recommendations from IEG’s corporate, sector, and thematic evaluations. The MAR can serve as a tool for accountability and learning, through which IEG and the management of the World Bank Group institutions keep the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) and the public informed of implementation progress.
recommendations tracked by IEG and WBG management were drawn from 23 evaluations produced between FY13 and FY16.
of recommendations in their fourth year rated by IEG as substantial or above.
of recommendations in their fourth year rated by IEG as high or complete.
focusing on “implementing programs or projects” are less likely to be fully implemented, with only 20 percent rated as high or complete by IEG.
on “high-level policy or strategic directions” received high or complete ratings from IEG most frequently, with the smallest disconnect in ratings between IEG and World Bank Group management.
- Although IEG rated progress on implementation of action plans in their fourth year of implementation as substantial or above (substantial, high, or complete) for over 90 percent of recommendations, only 52 percent were rated high or complete, and 20 percent rated complete.
- Roughly half (47 percent) of recommendations on environmental sustainability from IEG evaluations have been implemented to at least a high degree, based on the deep dive undertaken for this report.
- Despite recent improvements in the MAR process as well as ongoing pilots, the full potential of the MAR as an instrument for development effectiveness has yet to be realized.