Report Year
1st MAR Year

Recommendation 3: The World Bank, IFC, and MIGA should take proactive steps to distill, document, and facilitate knowledge sharing on approaches to facilitating innovation from technology transfer, diffusion, and upgrading of

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup S N N NT Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup H M M NT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

The Bank Group supported technological upgrading activities in firms and farmers through technology transfer, diffusion, upgrading of technologies and processes, and introduction of new products, processes, and business model. These interventions have provided important sources of innovation in firms and countries. However, evidence indicates that not much is known about how technologies are absorbed, assimilated, and utilized to maximize learning, innovation, and spillovers into the broader economy.

Original Management Response

WB: Agree. The IPP under advanced development will provide a depository of knowledge on the "how to" of innovation policy and a collaborative space for users (inter alia WBG staff, policy makers, practitioners and analysts) to exchange knowledge. The IPP (a joint initiative with the OECD) is being led by FPD with initial support from the World Bank Institute and will involve developers and users across the whole WBG.
The Strategic Framework will explore WBG complementary opportunities for documenting and facilitating knowledge exchange on technology diffusion, upgrading and transfer.
MIGA can provide periodic written pieces that look at best practices and aggregated lessons of experience in the area of technology transfer relating to MIGA-guaranteed projects.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Action 3 c (MIGA) MIGA will produce a Knowledge Note on technology transfer in MIGA guarantee operations, focused on best practi
Action 1 Plan:

Action 3 c (MIGA) MIGA will produce a Knowledge Note on technology transfer in MIGA guarantee operations, focused on best practices and lessons of experience, based on evidence from project-level evaluations by MIGA and IEG.
Indicator: Knowledge Note published and disseminated, including a seminar (BBL).
Baseline: Historically, MIGA’s Knowledge initiatives on technology transfer have been limited.
Target: For FY14, MIGA will use the evaluation evidence from the projects covered in the Innovation & Entrepreneurship evaluation for producing the Knowledge Note on technology transfer. Thereafter, MIGA will produce the Knowledge Notes on a three-yearly basis, given the relatively small number of MIGA-supported projects evaluated every year.
Timeline: FY14

Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

MIGA has not made any progress towards this action in FY17.

Management Update:

MIGA's FY15 Knowledge Note (KN) on the Lessons from MIGA's support for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) based on the IEG evaluation of WBG Support for I&E has continued to be a source of knowledge for MIGA Staff. The KN will be updated with findings and lessons from evaluation findings from other I&E guarantee projects and will be disseminated to Staff. In addition, supporting Innovation-focused projects remains a priority areas for MIGA's strategy.

IEG Update:

Since last year, as indicated by MIGA team, MIGA has not made any progress in this area.

Management Update:

MIGA's FY15 Knowledge Note (KN) on the Lessons from MIGA's support for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) based on the IEG evaluation of WBG Support for I&E has continued to be a source of knowledge for MIGA Staff. The KN will be updated with findings and lessons from evaluation findings from other I&E guarantee projects and will be disseminated to Staff.

IEG Update:

MIGA has a draft knowledge note that is based on "IEG's evaluation". This note mainly summarizes the IEG's findings on MIGA's contribution to innovation. It would be great that if this note would be disseminated through a BBL and also easily accessible to the staff.

Management Update:

During FY15, MIGA drafted a Knowledge Note (KN) based on the IEG (2013) evaluation of the WBG Support for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E). The Knowledge Note draws on the IEG evaluation findings and lessons relevant for MIGA as well as provide additional MIGA perspectives. Going forward, the KN will be updated with findings and lessons from evaluation findings from other I&E-related guarantee projects and may be presented at a BBL.