Report Year
1st MAR Year

Recommendation 3: The World Bank, IFC, and MIGA should take proactive steps to distill, document, and facilitate knowledge sharing on approaches to facilitating innovation from technology transfer, diffusion, and upgrading of

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup M M NYT NT Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup C NYT NYT NT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

The Bank Group supported technological upgrading activities in firms and farmers through technology transfer, diffusion, upgrading of technologies and processes, and introduction of new products, processes, and business model. These interventions have provided important sources of innovation in firms and countries. However, evidence indicates that not much is known about how technologies are absorbed, assimilated, and utilized to maximize learning, innovation, and spillovers into the broader economy.

Original Management Response

WB: Agree. The IPP under advanced development will provide a depository of knowledge on the "how to" of innovation policy and a collaborative space for users (inter alia WBG staff, policy makers, practitioners and analysts) to exchange knowledge. The IPP (a joint initiative with the OECD) is being led by FPD with initial support from the World Bank Institute and will involve developers and users across the whole WBG.
The Strategic Framework will explore WBG complementary opportunities for documenting and facilitating knowledge exchange on technology diffusion, upgrading and transfer.
MIGA can provide periodic written pieces that look at best practices and aggregated lessons of experience in the area of technology transfer relating to MIGA-guaranteed projects.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Action 3 b (IFC): IFC’s Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services (MAS) Dept. will sponsor a series of Knowledge Events highligh
Action 1 Plan:

Action 3 b (IFC): IFC’s Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services (MAS) Dept. will sponsor a series of Knowledge Events highlighting collaborative efforts of firms in different value chains to foster innovation in emerging markets. The main focus will be on innovation in manufacturing.
Indicator: Initiative on Knowledge Exchange on Innovation in place
Baseline: No structured MAS Knowledge Exchange on Innovation in place.
Target: Series of 3 Knowledge events focused on sharing client experience in innovation.
Timeline: FY14

Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

IEG has some comments like last year. "As described by IFC, knowmore series are innovative in bringing experts and staff together and creating a platform to exchange knowledge. However, these series are not necessarily on IFC clients' innovation efforts. To IEG's knowledge none of the events have been on how technologies are absorbed, assimilated, and utilized to maximize learning, innovation, and spillovers into the broader economy.…;
IFC made this action inactive last year. In other words, they will not pursue any further progress in this area. IEG suggest to make in active as well although overall there has been a moderate progress towards it.

Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

IEG welcomes the knowmore series. As described by FC, these series are innovative in bringing experts and staff together and creating a platform to exchange knowledge. However, these series are not necessarily on IFC clients' innovation efforts. To IEG's knowledge none of the events have been on how technologies are absorbed, assimilated, and utilized to maximize learning, innovation, and spillovers into the broader economy.…

Management Update:

in 2014, MAS started a series of events called the "KNOWMORE SERIES" . This effort was based on "innovating" a new knowledge exchange method through storytelling. These knowledge talks are led by Industry experts and staff sharing experiences on unique and interesting deals. We are now in the process of inviting clients to these talks as well.

The talks are typically 18-20 minutes long, using the TED style format, followed by a 40 minute Q&A. We have taken this a step further and developed an App called the "MASTALKS" app which houses each knowledge session for staff to listen to at their convenience from anywhere in the world. Average attendance for each KNOWMORE Series is approx. 100-120 people. MAS will continue to build on these talks in the coming years.

Hence, MAS met its target of 3 talks in FY14 - to date 25 talks have been completed.