World Bank
Report Year
1st MAR Year

3. Have Global Practices focus on health financing as a core comparative advantage of the Bank by:
- Building and expanding technical capacity among staff working on health financing in different Global Practices (including Health, Macro and Fiscal Management, Governance, Social Protection) to ensure that staff capacity is adequate to respond to country demand and .
- Having a clearly identified WBG focal point for health financing.

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup N S H NT Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup M S H NT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

Health financing requires a different skill set from that of the general health specialist.
To fully use its capabilities, the Bank Group should use multi-sector teams that draw on expertise from Health and other sector experts and work across the new Global Practices and the IFC.
The Bank's capabilities in health financing affect partnerships with other bodies.

Original Management Response

WB: Agree. The HNP GP will build staff capacity in health financing. It will work with colleagues from IFC Global Industry Groups, other GPs and with the IMF to systematically discuss and operationalize financial sustainability of health programs, including with the use of MTEF instruments.

The HNP GP will have a focal point for health financing to provide quality assurance for the WBG's work in health financing.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Action 4: Expand capacity of WBG staff in health financing.
Action 1 Plan:

Action 4: Expand capacity of WBG staff in health financing.
Indicator: % of HNP GP GF+ staff with minimum HF competencies. [to be defined by Q1 FY16]
Baseline: TBD FY2016
Target: TBD

Action 2
Action 2 Number:
Action 2 Title:
Action 5: Establish GP HF focal point.
Action 2 Plan:

Action 5: Establish GP HF focal point.
Indicator: HF Global Solution Area Leader role established and filled.
Baseline: HF Global Solution Area Leader role lacking (Q1/FY2015)
Target: HF Global Solution Area Leader role established and filled (Q3/FY2015)

Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

Action 5 (establish a focal point for Health Financing in the HNP global practice) was completed in FY16, with the appointment of the Health Financing Global Lead of the HNP GSG to coordinate health financing activities within the entire World Bank Group. In FY17, good progress was achieved in the other action identified to establish health financing as a core focus for the Bank: Action 4 - expand capacity of World Bank Group staff in health financing.
The indicator selected to track Action 4 (i.e. "the percentage of staff assigned to HNP global practice of grade GF+ with minimum competencies in health financing") has improved from 41% in FY15 (baseline year) to 46% in FY16, and to 48% in FY17. Thus, it is on track to reach the 50% target set for FY18. A new survey among HNP global practice staff is planned for FY18.
Specific elements of the Health Financing GSG operating model that contributed to foster competencies in health financing among World Bank Group staff in the past FY, comprise: (i) the setting up of a Strategic Advisory Panel comprising World Bank staff that helped mobilizing global experts around technical priorities and activities in health financing. (ii) The joint work with global partnerships that are active in the global health financing agenda, such as: UHC 2030, which unites a multi-stakeholder platform to promote work on strengthening country health systems to accelerate the path towards UHC by the year 2030 P4H, a global health partnership aiming at improving social health protection and strengthening health financing systems to promote UHC in low and middle-income countries and the Joint Learning Network, a global health knowledge network. (iii) The launch of four working groups, within the health financing GSG, on data, resource mobilization, strategic purchasing, and social health insurance.

Management Update:

[Action 4: Expand capacity of WBG staff in health financing. Indicator: % of HNP GP GF+ staff with minimum HF competencies. FY15 (baseline): 41% FY16: 46% FY17: 48% FY18 (target): 50%]
[Action 5: Establish GP HF focal point. Indicator: HF Global Solution Area Leader role established and filled. FY15 (baseline): Complete FY16: Complete FY18 (target): Complete]
Enhancing the central coordination of health financing initiatives with a designated Global Lead and a formal GSG has strengthened the WBG's health financing capabilities. Indicators show the results of Action 5 as complete since FY16, with the appointment of the Global Lead, and a sustained improvement on Action 4, which shows increasing health financing competency among 48% or more of the staff members at or above GF level in HNP GP.
Establishing a Global Lead for the HF GSG created a unified leadership and coordination focal point for the HF GSG. In hiring the Global Lead through a competitive process, the HNP GP signaled the importance and priority placed on health financing, reinforcing it as a core comparative advantage of the WBG. The Global Lead role requires strong content ownership and leadership expertise, in order to coordinate delivery across a wide range of targeted technical priorities and activities designed to strengthen the capacities of the staff members affiliated with the HF GSG.
The HF GSG is on track to grow health financing competency among HNP staff to the target of 50% or more staff members at GF level and above by FY18, through the development and implementation of a robust ongoing HF GSG operating model. First, a Strategic Advisory Panel, formed by and for the HF GSG, helps mobilize and match global experts and Working Groups to health financing technical priorities and activities. Second, special partnerships work to shape the global health financing agenda. These include: UHC 2030, which unites a multi-stakeholder platform to promote work on strengthening country health systems to accelerate the path towards UHC in 2030 P4H, a global health partnership aiming at improving social health protection and strengthening health financing systems to promote UHC in low and middle-income countries and the Joint Learning Network, a global network whose members co-develop knowledge products to aid global work on health systems strengthening. The HF GSG launched four Working Groups (WGs) on key strategic topics in health financing - data, resource mobilization, strategic purchasing, and social health insurance - which bring together experts from across the HNP GP and WBG. Next, a Community of Practice (CoP) is in formation to bring together Health Financing knowledge and experience of staff in an informal forum. To further accelerate the growth of health financing competency among HNP staff, another recruiting effort for the HF GSG will be conducted in FY18. Together, these initiatives are cultivating a dynamic community that builds upon itself, feeding growth and innovation by connecting colleagues to the wealth of health financing knowledge and support available within and beyond HNP GP.
To illustrate, the Data Working Group has developed a robust work program that includes several components aiming to develop the capabilities of WBG staff in analytics relevant to health financing. The core work streams of the Data Working Group include: (i) supporting effective database use by HNP GP staff (ii) improving health financing data guidance, support and learning opportunities for HNP GP staff, including a review of guidelines for public expenditure reviews (PERs) (iii) improving coordination, knowledge sharing, and quality assurance across HNP GP activities and (iv) leading improvements of global data management approaches and support mechanisms, including a collaboration with WHO on strengthening the approach towards managing the global national health account (NHA) database. All of these workstreams focus on developing the capabilities of the staff members within HNP GP in health financing and are expected to ramp up to full speed in FY18.
The growth of the HF GSG has also been accompanied by a high participation rate among members. In FY17, 94% of affiliates participated in one or more key initiatives of the HF GSG. This metric was consistent across colleagues from the headquarters and the country offices. The average participation for members of the GSG was in 2.14 out of 5 key initiatives, revealing significant dedication from members and a high degree of collective leadership within the HF GSG, a reflection of the opportunities for the staff capacity development offered by the HF GSG for those interested in health financing topics. The HF GSG centers around five pillars that, together, build HF knowledge and cultivate talent within the WBG: (i) knowledge generation (through research, tools and SOP) (ii) knowledge curation, sharing and learning (through HF GSG communications, learning activities and knowledge curation and sharing) (iii) country and regional team support (through presentations, clinics, engagement support and trainings) (iv) talent development and deployment (with professional development opportunities in technical activities and partnerships) and (v) global and partner engagement (with knowledge exchange gatherings, partner support and joint work programs). Together, the agenda of the HF GSG creates a platform within the HNP GP and WBG that develops interest in health financing and cultivates talent in this area within the organization.
HF GSG priorities have further evolved based on the findings of a comprehensive portfolio review and HF GSG survey, around four key categories within health financing: system design and performance, resource mobilization, pooling, and allocation/purchasing. The Global Lead, together with the HF GSG, helped define and channel the work of the HF GSG around the most pressing topics within each of these categories. For system design and performance, the HF GSG is moving towards the topics of capacity building and health security. Under resource mobilization, key topics are planning and budgeting, earmarking, and fiscal decentralization. For pooling, the focus is planned for the extension of social health insurance to the informal sector and social health insurance regulation, and under allocating/purchasing, the main areas for discussion are blended benefits package design, provider payment mechanisms and market and provider regulation.
In addition to cultivating health financing knowledge within the HNP GP and WBG, the HF GSG has also led a hiring initiative to recruit new HF talent to the WBG. Over the past 12 months, several positions have been created within the HF GSG and GFF that reflect the high priority of growing health financing within the HNP GP and WBG. These positions have attracted additional top talent to the WBG to continue developing its competitive advantage in health financing.
The FY17 result for Action 5 likely understates the true health financing capabilities present within the HNP GP, due to methodological constraints. In FY15 and FY16, health financing competency was estimated using the results of a GSG affiliation survey. In the absence of an updated survey, the FY17 analysis includes GF+ level staff members active on the official HF GSG roster, formation of which also followed a detailed HNP GP-wide survey of health financing skills and experience, as having demonstrated minimum health financing competency. However, this metric does not include Practice Managers and others on the HNP GP Leadership Team, a number of whom have demonstrated health financing competencies but are not formally aligned to the HF GSG. To that end, a new survey of HNP GP staff is planned for FY18.

IEG Update:

HNP GP has fully met the recommendation to strengthen its focus on health financing as a core comparative advantage of the WBG. A Global Lead for the Health Financing Global Solution Area (HF GSA) was competitively selected in FY16. By the end of FY16, 46% of the HNP GP staff at GF+ levels are considered to have minimum health financing competencies (FY18 target: 50%). The HF GSA community of practice established a newsletter, online knowledge/discussion platform, and organized regular seminars and workshops. HNP GP launched the first Annual Forum on Financing UHC held at the Spring Meetings that brought together more than 300 experts from across the WBG and different countries. In addition: a joint work program with the Governance GP has been developed and it is under full implementation the health financing components of the HNP GP flagship course have been updated a two-day health financing transition course was developed and delivered to 7 country teams and their counterparts the HF GSA member skills repository survey has been completed.

Management Update:

The HNP GP has fully met the recommendation to strengthen its focus on health financing as a core comparative advantage of the WBG by appointing competitively a Global Lead for the Health Financing Global Solution Area (HF GSA), which was competitively filled in FY16. The Global Lead coordinates a wide range of activities to strengthen the capacities of the HF GSA affiliates. By the end of FY16, 46% of the HNP GP staff at GF+ levels are considered to have minimum health financing competencies and above, and the trend of increasing the proportion of staff with such competencies is in on track towards achieving the target of having at least 50% of all HNP GP staff with such competencies in FY18. The HF GSA has been increasingly transformed into a community of practice, with the establishment of a newsletter and an online knowledge/discussion platform, and through regular seminars and workshops. Working closely with staff across the three GPs and partner organizations, standards of practice for health financing system assessments (e.g., protocols) have been finalized. The joint work program with the Governance GP is under full implementation, including joint seminars, the development of a conceptual and analytical framework for public finance management in health, and joint ASAs in six countries. The health financing components of the HNP GP flagship course have been updated moreover, a two-day health financing transition course was developed and delivered to 7 country teams and their counterparts. While the development of competencies remains pending, the HF GSA member survey has been completed, resulting in a skills repository (available to staff) and the identification of knowledge priorities and knowledge sharing preferences. The HNP GP launched an Annual Forum on Financing UHC as its flagship knowledge exchange and learning event. The first forum, held at the Spring Meetings, brought together more than 300 experts from across the WBG and different countries (representatives of the Ministries of Health and Finance) and partner organizations (IMF, WHO, multilateral financing agencies) in discussion of the key issues of resource mobilization for health. Preparations of the forum included a systematic review of the available evidence and multiple consultations with staff with findings and recommendations widely disseminated.
[Action 5: Establish GP HF focal point. Indicator: HF Global Solution Area Leader role established and filled. FY15 (baseline): Complete FY16: Complete FY18 (target): Complete]
[Action 4: Expand capacity of WBG staff in health financing. Indicator: % of HNP GP GF+ staff with minimum HF competencies. FY15 (baseline): 41% FY16: 46% FY18 (target): 50%]

IEG Update:

The Global Practice (GP) has established a Health Financing Global Solution Area and it has identified a Global Lead as well as well as members of the Solution Area.
In addition, the GP is starting a number of new activities including seminars and a collaboration platform. The GP is also studying modifications to its health financing course. In addition, the GP is working with other GPs and the IMF to identify areas of joint interest and future areas of research.
The GP has not yet developed HF competencies as planned, due to the need for coordination across GPs. The GP is planning a staff survey to identify the current state of health financing knowledge as well as staff learning needs.
While the establishment of the Solution Area represents an important step in strengthening the GP's health financing capacity, there has been little concrete work to implement this recommendation. The Global Practice has not set the baseline or targets for this indicator.

Management Update:

The HNP GP has constituted the Health Financing Global Solutions Area and Group, it filled the position of the global lead, and the GSA has planned/launched several initiatives to strengthen the technical capacity of staff working on health financing, among others:
1. Together with other GPs (poverty, governance) protocols and resource sites to guide health financing analysis / ASA have been developed/mainstreamed (see above). In addition, work is underway to better inform/guide the development of health financing strategies.
2. Monthly seminars will start end of October, following thematic areas, including public finance management in health.
3. A collaboration platform (on O2) is ready to go on-line early November.
4. A joint work program with the governance GP on public finance management has been developed and launched (including a joint ESW).
5. Expert (e.g. payment systems) and research teams (e.g. earmarking) are being established, including staff from other GPs (MFM, Governance) and the IMF.
6. WBG training courses are under review (health flagship course) and a course on health financing systems in transition is being developed (with Governance and IMF participation) and will be piloted in January.
The development of HF competencies has been postponed, as it needs to be coordinated across GSAs and GPs. However, a staff survey has been designed and will be completed by the end of November to map the HF expertise of staff, learn about interests of professional growth, identify immediate and medium-term knowledge needs, and explore learning preferences.