World Bank
Report Year
1st MAR Year

III. Delivery Systems
5. Given the recent dissolution of the joint GICT Department, ensure that the World Bank Group's organizational structure for ICT enables effective strategy formulation and coordinated delivery, and that it articulates an effective division of labor among the World Bank, IFC, and

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup NYT N NT M Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup NYT NR NT NT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

- Coordination between IFC and the World Bank in ICT sector operations improved, in part as a result of having a joint department.
- Coordination may again become an issue. The joint GICT Department was dissolved in September 2010, which was not the result of a strategic decision related to the location of the joint department, but rather as part of the IFC 2013 reorganization. The implications of the new organizational structure for mainstreaming ICT across sectors will need to be closely monitored.

Original Management Response

Original Response: Specific measures for coordinated strategy formulation and delivery among the World Bank, IFC, and MIGA are already in development. These measures will be presented as an annex of the Draft ICT Sector Strategy.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
WB Action C
Action 1 Plan:

Timeline: First meeting and report in FY13

Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:

The management update provided for this recommendation is the same as for recommendation #0103. IEG would require an explanation on how the current organization structure would ensure effective strategy formulation and coordinated delivery, and an effective division of labor among the World Bank, IFC, and MIGA, when an ICT practice leadership team cross WBG institution was not formed.

Management Update:

ICT continues to be an important Practice within the World Bank, and is organizationally placed within the Transport and ICT Global Practice. The ICT practice operates its own operational agenda for telecommunications and IT applications, and collaboratively works with other Global Practices of the World Bank.

IEG Update:

no management update.

Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

The management update provided for this recommendation is the same as for recommendation #0103 and the implementation status should not be rated as inactive (no longer relevant).
IEG understands that the WBG's recent reorganization has merged ICT with Transport in its new Transport and ICT Global Practice. In this context, IEG seeks for explanation on why ICT practice leadership team is no longer needed. The new organizational structure would continue to require effective strategy formulation and coordinated delivery, and articulate an effective division of labor among the World Bank, IFC, and MIGA.

The progress is rated as negligible because the management update does not permit IEG to make an assessment.

Management Update:

During FY14-15, WBG went through a reorganization. ICT is set as a Practice and organizationally grouped with Transport. Cross-Cutting Solution Areas (CCSAs) are defined to help bring about coordination across practices.In light of the change process, WBG management noted that an ICT Practice Leadership Group may not be currently needed.

IEG Update:

(2013 Rating: Negligible)

(Response from 2013. First MAR follow-up will be in 2014)

Actions presented for this recommendation are the same as those presented in the previous recommendation, (II 4). IEG seeks to understand how the draft governance framework and the related meetings will ensure that the World Bank Group's organizational structure for ICT enables effective strategy formulation and coordinated delivery, and that it articulates an effective division of labor among the World Bank, IFC, and MIGA.

Management Update:

(2013 Rating: Medium)

(Response from 2013. First MAR follow-up will be in 2014)

WB Action C


- A draft governance framework for ICT at the World Bank Group is developed.

- An early meeting of a governing committee for ICT is planned for FY13.

Baseline: None

Target: A meeting per year on governance of ICT at World Bank

Timeline: Every FY until FY16