World Bank
Report Year
1st MAR Year

4. Strengthen World Bank and IFC support for skills development (including ICT skills development) in client countries to promote the use and production of ICT

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup NYT NT S S Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup NYT S S H
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

- ICT skills development is emerging as an important constraint to ICT diffusion and applications, but has received little attention in World Bank Group operations.
- World Bank support for ICT-related skill development has played a small role, with limited results, thus far.
- ICT skills development was supported by 9 percent of the analytical and advisory activities through programs such as the New Economy Skills for Africa, which is testing new approaches and partnerships between universities and the ICT industry.

Original Management Response

Original Response: A World Bank initiative to scale up support to ICT skills development has been set up in the Africa Region: the New Economy Skills for Africa Program with a focus on ICT. The initiative is a joint effort of the ICT sector unit, the Africa education sector unit, and Africa finance and private sector development units. Possibilities will be explored to include other Regions in the initiative. It is important to note that the objective of ICT skills development includes promoting the use and production of ICT applications, as well as increasing competitiveness of local ICT industries.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Support ICT skills development in client countries
Action 1 Plan:

• Periodic meetings and reports (frequency to be determined at initiation) of the Leadership Group

Action 2
Action 2 Number:
WB Action 1
Action 2 Title:
Support ICT skills development in client countries
Action 3
Action 3 Number:
WB Action 1
Action 3 Title:
Support ICT skills development in client countries
Action 4
Action 4 Number:
WB Action 1
Action 4 Title:
Support ICT skills development in client countries
Action 4 Plan:

WB Action I: Support ICT skills development in client countries

• Persons trained in ICT skills under WB projects (IDA/IBRD, infoDev)

Baseline and Target: Establish in FY13

Timeline: FY16

Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:

IEG noted that both Bangladesh Leveraging ICT Growth, Employment and Governance Project (P122201) and Mexico First Program continue to support ICT skills development in the countries. It would be useful to obtain the information of the context of the training and workshops and how these activities translate into enhanced ICT skills in client countries. IEG also noted that baseline and target information due in FY13 have not been established yet.

Management Update:

- Under Bangladesh Leveraging ICT Growth, Employment and Governance Project (P122201), 2,322 people have been trained in ICT skills by June 2016. About 12 percent of public sector officials have taken 1 or more eGovernment skills course during this period.
- In Mexico, MexicoFIRST program delivered 132,427 trainings (113,707 certifications) in 931 international certifications at a cost 31 percent lower than the market price.

IEG Update:

IEG noted that various training and workshops have been provided in client countries and a number of persons had been trained in the client countries. It will be helpful to see how these activities translate into enhanced ICT skills in client countries. IEG also noted that baseline and target information due in FY13 have not been established yet.

Management Update:

- Bangladesh P122201 project contract signed to train 30000 students in their final year of university to be IT industry ready. Training expected to be completed by June 2018.

- Supported the following knowledge sharing and capacity building events on open data: (a) Global policy dialogue seminar "Can Open Data Boost Economic Growth and Prosperity?" (July 23, 2014) (b) Regional training for government officials from Europe and the CIS on open data for social and economic growth (September 17-18, 2014) (c) 3rd International Open Data Conference in Ottawa (May 28-29, 2015) (d) Open Data workshops for representatives of government, academia, private sector, SCOs and media in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Mauritius, India (September, 2014 - June, 2015) and (e) Two-session master-class for new ODRA consultants (October 18-19, 2014)

Additional Information from Management:

The World Bank continues to support ICT skills development in client countries. During FY13-FY14, the World Bank supported ICT skills development in following ways.

- Mexico Information Technology Development (P106589, July 2008, $80 million): Under the ongoing World Bank-funded project, 40,126 people were trained, including 39,486 people on ICT-based certification and 640 public officials on the legal framework for industry.

- ICT workshops: In ICT workshops organized by the World Bank: (a) 125 people were trained during a 1-day e-procurement workshop in Rwanda (b) 225 people (not including online participants) were trained during a 2-day training workshop on ICT in Russia (c) 175 people were trained on open data in Morocco (d) 300 people were trained on open data in Burkina Faso, Antigua, and Nigeria,

During FY15, the World Bank has undertaken following activities:

- Bangladesh Leveraging ICT Growth, Employment and Governance Project (P122201, September 2012, $70 million): Under the project, a contract is signed to train 30,000 students who are in their final year of university to be trained for work in the IT industry. The training is expected to be completed by June 2018.

- Open data trainings: The World Bank supported the following knowledge sharing and capacity building events on open data during FY15: (a) a global policy dialogue seminar "Can Open Data Boost Economic Growth and Prosperity?" during July 23, 2014 (b) a regional training event for government officials from Europe and the CIS on open data for social and economic growth on September 17-18, 2014 (c) the 3rd International Open Data Conference in Ottawa held on May 28-29, 2015 (d) open data workshops for representatives of government, academia, private sector, SCOs and media in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Mauritius, India held during September, 2014 - June, 2015 and (e) two-session master-class for new ODRA consultants held on October 18-19, 2014.

Based on the above, we propose a rating of Substantial for achieving intended objectives.

IEG Update:

IEG acknowledges that 40,126 people have been trained in sample ICT projects and 825 people have been trained in ICT workshops held in client countries. However, these numbers are highly output-focused, and do not provide insights into the improvements over time or an assessment of the outcomes linked to IEG recommendations. IEG therefore seeks for more explanation on how and whether the ICT skills development training activities supported by WBG have promoted the use and production of ICT applications.

Management Update:

40,126 people have been trained in sample ICT projects, and 825 people have been trained in ICT workshops held in client countries.

WB projects:

• In IT industry project in Mexico, 40,126 people were trained, including 39,486 people on ICT-based certification and 640 public officials on the legal framework for industry

ICT workshops:

• In Rwanda, 125 people were trained during a 1-day e-procurement workshop.

• In Russia, 225 people (not including online participants) were trained during a 2-day training worksohp on ICT.

• In Morocco, 175 people were trained on open data.

• In Burkina Faso, Antigua, and Nigeria, 300 people were trained on open data.

IEG Update:

(2013 Rating: Negligible)

(Response from 2013. First MAR follow-up will be in 2014)

IEG seeks to understand how the draft governance framework for ICT and related meeting plans are translating into IEG's recommendation to strengthen World Bank and IFC support for ICT skills development in client countries to promote the use and production of ICT applications. More information on the implications of the governance framework is required to make an assessment of the level of adoption.

Management Update:

(2013 Rating: Medium)

(Response from 2013. First MAR follow-up will be in 2014)

WB Action I


- A draft governance framework for ICT at the World Bank Group is developed.

- An early meeting of a governing committee for ICT is planned for FY13.

Baseline: None

Target: A meeting per year on governance of ICT at World Bank

Timeline: Every FY until FY16