Welcome to the evaluation podcast from the World Bank Group’s independent evaluation arm, IEG, where we reflect on the lessons learned from tackling pressing challenges in international development.

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Read the transcript 

Brenda Barbour: What have we learned about global development? 

Jeff Chelsky: Welcome to the evaluation podcast from the World Bank Group’s independent evaluation arm, IEG, where we reflect on the lessons learned from tackling today’s most pressing development challenges. 

Brenda Barbour: I’m Brenda Barbour. 

Jeff Chelsky:  And I’m Jeff Chelsky. We’re from the Independent Evaluation Group. At IEG, we go to work every day to promote learning from development experience, to support better decisions, better policies, and better outcomes.

Brenda Barbour: In this podcast, we get together with people on the frontlines of global development. We’ll be talking to independent evaluators, researchers, the people intended to benefit from development, and sector experts, to identify lessons on what drives both success and failure. 

Jeff Chelsky: Because there is much to learn from global development that has improved the lives of millions. 

Brenda Barbour: Look out for What Have We Learned, the evaluation podcast, on the platform of your choice. 

Jeff Chelsky: Or visit ieg.worldbankgroup.org.  

Brenda Barbour: With the COVID-19 pandemic threatening to drive millions back into extreme poverty, drawing on what we’ve learned, to make development more effective has never been more important  

Jeff Chelsky: Talk soon on What Have We Learned?