World Bank
Report Year
1st MAR Year

Increase knowledge to address key ECD operational challenges with respect to scaling up, cost-effectiveness, quality models to promote early learning and stimulation, financing of ECD, and capacity building at all levels of government.

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup S H NT NT Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup S H NT NT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

The Bank is obtaining evidence on effectiveness of interventions- what does and does not work however, TTLs and clients need practical knowledge- what is the minimum you need to do and the most cost-effective way to do it. Several areas remain for the Bank to address- scaling up, cost-effectiveness, quality early learning models (i.e. childcare, stimulation, and preprimary education), financing of ECD, and capacity building at all levels of government.

Original Management Response

WB: Agree. These areas for investments in knowledge have been identified by management. Initiatives in that direction include the scaling-up of the Early Learning Partnership, a new emphasis on cost effectiveness and scaling up in the Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund, and investments in capacity building through the Education Staff Development Program.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Action 3: Continue to expand ECD knowledge through ongoing initiatives and ensure that the latest ECD knowledge is accessible to
Action 1 Plan:

Action 3: Continue to expand ECD knowledge through ongoing initiatives and ensure that the latest ECD knowledge is accessible to operational staff and Clients.
Indicator: Identification of key areas where operational challenges and knowledge gaps remain and production and/or dissemination of knowledge in these priority areas, in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders.
Baseline: The Bank has already accumulated a strong knowledge base on the “why” and “what” of ECD (i.e. why ECD is a sound investment and what types of ECD investments are cost effective), but important questions remain particularly on the “how” (e.g., how to scale up cost-effective ECD interventions with quality and in sustainable ways). Various platforms exist for sharing the latest knowledge with staff, but accessibility and operational relevance are not optimal.
Target: (a) The GSG will establish a list of priority areas where key knowledge gaps remain and will develop a strategy and timeline to fill these gaps and (b) the GSG will produce new knowledge pieces (at least one annually) and disseminate both existing and new knowledge in ways that are accessible and relevant to operational staff and Clients
Timeline: FY16 for Target (a) Annually starting in FY17 for Target (b)

Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

The ECD GSG has taken several steps to strategically disseminate ECD knowledge and expand ECD knowledge. There is a quarterly newsletter which comprehensively summarizes ECD events (past and upcoming), knowledge, and activities. This provides accessible knowledge to Bank staff. The ECD GSG has established a list of priority areas where key knowledge gaps remain and timeline for filling them, which are included in the ECD Business Plan. Several new knowledge pieces were produced addressing important knowledge gaps- measuring quality in early learning programs and child development and promising approaches. Additional pieces will be coming out this fiscal year (and can be verified in the next MAR cycle). These new guidance documents are of particular interest to the field- non-state actors, training and skills programs, cost-effective solutions. Planned for future years are: workforce development for ECD personnel, programming in conflict and violence settings, and costing and financing programs. These topics were noted in IEG's report and recommendations, showing the responsiveness of the Bank to address key knowledge gaps. These report as well as other practical knowledge tools (i.e. TORs, policy documents, etc.) have been disseminated on the ECD GSG webpage and newsletters and are accessible to WBG operational staff. The actions completed this year are above the targets in its action plan showing high level of implementation of this recommendation.

Management Update:

The ECD GSG has established a list of priority areas where key knowledge gaps remain and a timeline for and strategy to fill these gaps is included in the ECD Business Plan (fulfilling Target (a) for Action 3). The ECD GSG has exceeded Target (b) for Action 3, which was to produce at least one new knowledge piece annually. The ECD GSG and Early Learning Partnership have produced several new knowledge, including two guidance notes: "Measuring the Quality of Early Learning Programs" and "Measuring Child Development and Early Learning," as well as "Promising Approaches in Early Childhood Development." Additional guidance notes are planned for FY 18 on several new topics, including: Engaging the non-state sector in early learning, Integrating ECD into skills training programs and Constructing cost-effective solutions to expand access to ECD. The ECD Business plan outlines several additional knowledge areas for more work, including: the workforce, working in fragile and conflict-affected situations and costing, financing and cost-effectiveness.
The launch of the Africa Early Years Fellowship has been a significant investment to build capacity in ECD at the country level, with an investment of more than $1 million for FY17-FY19. The program, which attracted 3,000 applicants, has recruited 20 promising young African professionals to work in their home countries with the World Bank and governments to support the cross-sectoral ECD agenda, while also enrolled in an extensive professional development program. This program is designed to expand and improve the workforce for ECD at the country level and to build the next generation of ECD leaders. The ECD GSG is exploring options to expand the program to additional regions next year.
In addition the ECD GSG webpage provides staff with practical tools, including: sample ToRs, sample minimum quality standards and policy documents, as well as a vetted list of high-quality consultants, with key information on their experience, language skills and other useful information.

IEG Update:

IEG Response: The ECD GSG has taken several steps to disseminate ECD knowledge. There is a quarterly newsletter which comprehensively summarizes ECD events (past and upcoming), knowledge, and activities. This provides accessible knowledge to Bank staff. The GSG also initiated a process of providing ECD knowledge support to TTLs ,as needed/requested, which provides immediate knowledge support for operations or those engaged in analytical work. The GSG initiated a mentoring program, which will provide a mechanism of increasing the knowledge of Bank staff. Mentoring is being provided to 20 junior staff by more experienced staff to have a broader pool of knowledgeable staff and consultants.

When the TOR for the GSD is developed next fiscal year, the Bank notes in its MAR report that it will include the development of a plan for prioritizing and filling key knowledge gaps within the TOR. It makes sense for both of these activities to be done simultaneously. Thus, the target established in the action plan is now being moved to next year. When you consider that the Bank has completed additional activities consistent with the overall action (i.e. ensuring staff have access to ECD knowledge and that the knowledge is accessible), there has been substantial progress this year.

Management Update:

The ECD GSG has played a critical role in ensuring effective knowledge management and dissemination across regions. This has happened through (I) a number of learning events (ii) the production of quarterly newsletters that include all the latest relevant publications on ECD (see the December and March editions attached) (iii) just-in-time support to TTLs and task teams engaged in ECD operations or analytical work and (iv) the launch of a new mentor/mentee initiative to ensure 20 staff have an opportunity to learn from more experienced staff and to grow professionally in ECD.
The list of priority areas where key knowledge gaps remain and a strategy and timeline for filling these gaps will be incorporated as an annex to the TORs mentioned under Action 1.