World Bank
Report Year
1st MAR Year

Recommendation 3: The World Bank, IFC, and MIGA should take proactive steps to distill, document, and facilitate knowledge sharing on approaches to facilitating innovation from technology transfer, diffusion, and upgrading of

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup M M M NT Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup H H H NT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

The Bank Group supported technological upgrading activities in firms and farmers through technology transfer, diffusion, upgrading of technologies and processes, and introduction of new products, processes, and business model. These interventions have provided important sources of innovation in firms and countries. However, evidence indicates that not much is known about how technologies are absorbed, assimilated, and utilized to maximize learning, innovation, and spillovers into the broader economy.

Original Management Response

WB: Agree. The IPP under advanced development will provide a depository of knowledge on the "how to" of innovation policy and a collaborative space for users (inter alia WBG staff, policy makers, practitioners and analysts) to exchange knowledge. The IPP (a joint initiative with the OECD) is being led by FPD with initial support from the World Bank Institute and will involve developers and users across the whole WBG.

The Strategic Framework will explore WBG complementary opportunities for documenting and facilitating knowledge exchange on technology diffusion, upgrading and transfer.

MIGA can provide periodic written pieces that look at best practices and aggregated lessons of experience in the area of technology transfer relating to MIGA-guaranteed projects.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Action 3 a (WB) Within the overall framework of the establishment of the GPs, develop new mechanisms for facilitating knowledge
Action 1 Plan:

Action 3 a (WB) Within the overall framework of the establishment of the GPs, develop new mechanisms for facilitating knowledge exchange around innovation policy.
Indicator: A new knowledge exchange platform on innovation policies (IPP) targeting both internal and external stakeholders developed and functional.
Target: Phased approach to launch the Innovation Policy Platform. A dynamic community of practice around the IPP that includes both WBG stakeholders and external stakeholders is in place

• First phase – implemented in FY14
• Second phase implemented in FY15
• A community of practice around the IPP fully functional in FY15

Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

The spirit of this action is facilitating internal knowledge exchange among GPs and WBG institutions. The IPP platform is focusing on global innovation policy agenda and is identified as I&E's knowledge service. IEG rates this action Moderate as to what extent the platform is used among the WBG staff as a knowledge sharing platform is not clear. If the management, as indicated in the MAR update, redesigns the IPP to expand it to innovation and entrepreneurship programs, link to TC360 and TC GP resources and respond strategically to the interest of WBG management these will make IPP platform more targeted to the WBG. In addition, finalization of the Innovation flagship report will be another significant step towards achieving this action.

Management Update:

The Innovation Policy Platform (IPP) continues to be a tool for disseminating best-practice on the development and implementation of innovation policy. The IPP has 303,777 users since its launch in November 2013 including 4,300 registered users under the Community of Practices. In 2016-2017, the IPP built two new modules on Inclusive Innovation for Development and Innovation in Cuties, which are based on the WBG knowledge products. In FY18 and beyond, the T&C global practice will redesign the IPP to expand it to innovation and entrepreneurship programs, link to TC360 and TC GP resources and respond strategically to the interest of WBG management and clients in innovation platforms.
In addition, the Innovation & Entrepreneurship unit is embarking on a new initiative to provide evidence-based advice to improve the design of policies that foster technology adoption and diffusion in developing countries. This will be achieved by developing and piloting a new methodology to quantify technology adoption, measure technology gaps, identify policies to address them, and collecting new representative data. In the initial pilot phase (FY18-19), the team will design and implement the Adoption of Technology (AT) survey in four countries, including ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States) countries. The team expects that the methodology and survey developed in this project will be expanded to other countries after the completion of pilot phase, in collaboration with national statistical agencies, and parts of the questionnaire will be integrated in general firm-level surveys in developing countries. The findings are also expected to inform WBG policy advice, lending operations, and technical assistance projects that address issues of firm capabilities, technology adoption, productivity, and job creation.
See update 321 for additional information on internal knowledge sharing.

IEG Update:

The action is within the overall framework of the establishment of the GPs, develop new mechanisms for facilitating knowledge. The spirit of this action is facilitating internal knowledge exchange among GPs and WBG institutions. The IPP platform is focusing on broad innovation policy agenda in the world. This platform does not have an objective of increasing knowledge sharing among the WBG staff. The use of this platform among the WBG, except I&E unit, is not known.

Management Update:

The Innovation Policy Platform was formally launched in FY14 and has continued to be developed in concert with the OECD. The community of practice is established and growing and the platform has over 2,600 members. Further content continues to be added sourced both from within the WBG an OECD, and externally, the statistical functionality has been upgraded and the online Innovation Policy for Development course has been delivered several times. The IPP will continue to be utlised during FY17 in support of the broader innovation and entrepreneurship policy agenda given the importance and relevance for policy makers in WBG client countries of having accessible information on the 'how to' of innovation policy and will also be used to provide information to the internal policy audience.

IEG Update:

The IPP, launched in 2014, is a platform that is open to everybody in the development. However, this platform does not have an objective of increasing knowledge sharing among the WBG staff. The use of this platform among the WBG is not known or tracked.

Management Update:

The Innovation Policy Platform was formally launched in FY14 with the second phase implemented in FY15. The community of practice is established and growing. The IPP will continue to be developed during FY16 in order to further grow the community of practice, to add to its content, and increase its usage within the WBG and externally.
In preparation for the Addis FfD summit, T&C participated actively in a cross-UN-working group on knowledge distillation and sharing with external partners on the STI agenda.