World Bank
Report Year
1st MAR Year

II. Applications
2. Strengthen the capacity of the Bank Group to respond to client demands for ICT applications by:
(i) Building greater ICT expertise and awareness across the networks and the Regions regarding the potential applications of ICT, including more consistently capturing ICT aspects in country and sector strategies
(ii) Building incentives mechanisms for collaboration, coordination, and joint approaches for innovation between Bank Group units, reflecting the thematic nature of ICT
(iii) Transforming the ICT unit to enable it to act as a connector between internal/client demands, and outside expertise from the public and private sectors.

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup NYT NT S S Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup NYT H H H
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

Despite the frequent occurrence of ICT applications, only a few sector strategies have included ICT. Task team leaders lacked sufficient ICT support. Bank task team leaders are not able to secure support or advice from the ICT unit. Only one network (education) was identified as very proactive in disseminating knowledge related to the use of ICT in projects, although it was not able to offer direct support during project preparation or implementation. Technical and operational staff in the GICT Department increased as the Bank Group ICT portfolio expanded. Although this increase might help the ICT unit address the insufficient support that task team leaders reported for the ICT components in their operations, it probably will not be enough, and other solutions should be pursued to ensure the needed support (for example, the ICT unit could put together a roster of ICT experts that task team leaders could call when they need such support).

Original Management Response

Original Response: Management agrees that implementation of this recommendation is crucial to the Bank's effectiveness in the ICT applications area. The Bank's involvement in this area is key to the relevance of the institution, at a time when all types of services are increasingly delivered using ICT. As part of the ICT Sector Strategy formulation, most other sectors are developing approaches and specific plans to mainstream ICT within their sector this will be captured in a companion piece to the upcoming ICT Strategy. The Bank has already initiated the transformation of the ICT unit in the Sustainable Development Network of the Bank (the Bank's ICT unit) to add a function of "connector" and is piloting a number of innovative partnerships with various sources of external expertise, including country governments, other development agencies, and the private sector. To strengthen collaboration and joint approaches among Bank Group units, management will (a) consider introducing a Bank-wide cross-sector ICT practice and ICT practice leadership, including representation from IFC and MIGA (b) encourage networks and Regions to reassess and further develop their ICT skill mix as part of the yearly strategic staffing exercise (c) leverage the Bank's new Knowledge Platform on ICT for Accountability and Service Delivery to connect clients and staff with external sources of knowledge and expertise (d) continue to make use of networks' training and knowledge sharing activities to raise awareness across sectors (e) pursue trust fund sources to strengthen the "connector" function in a constrained budget environment and (f ) develop a pool of external experts to provide support on various ICT project design issues, including technical and procurement.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
WB Action C
Action 1 Plan:

Establish an ICT Practice Leadership Group (with representatives from World Bank Networks and Regions, WBI, OPCS, DEC, Legal, IFC and MIGA) to monitor progress and provide strategic direction on ICT for World Bank Group

Action 2
Action 2 Number:
Action 2 Title:
WB Action D
Action 2 Plan:

Skill up and build expertise within the World Bank for use of ICT for greater development impact
• Number of staff mapped to ICT including in regions and networks
Baseline: Establish in FY13
Target: Establish in FY13
Timeline: FY14

Action 3
Action 3 Number:
Action 3 Title:
WB Action E
Action 3 Plan:

Continue to offer training and knowledge sharing activities to raise awareness of ICT
• Staff participation in ICT-related learning events (staff participant hours, internal learning)
Baseline: 5,208
Target: 600 (lower target proportionate to funds available)
Timeline: Every FY

Action 4
Action 4 Number:
Action 4 Title:
WB Action F
Action 4 Plan:

Formalize World Bank’s role as a connector with linkages amongst sector groups in World Bank, client governments, and external ICT experts and firms
• Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with government agencies and private firms on ICT
• Set up Open Development Technology Alliance (ODTA), ICT’s Knowledge Platform, and open.ops in collaboration between the World Bank Institute and the ICT Sector Unit
Baseline: 9 MoUs, 3 with governments and 6 with firms
Target: ODTA and open.ops are set up
Timeline: FY13

Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:

Regarding Action C, IEG appreciated the management's assurance that ICT continues to be an important practice, operating its operational agenda and works collaboratively with other GPs. IEG would like to get an update on how the strategic direction of ICT is conveyed across the WBG institutions under the current structure. As for Action D, IEG understands that some ICT staff joined other GPs and there was natural attrition of ICT staff from the Transport & ICT GP. It would be useful if IEG could receive an update on the implication of such strategic staffing on the implementation of the ICT operational agenda which is currently managed by the Transport & ICT GP. As for Action E, IEG would need the information on the types of audiences and attendees of the 20 events and the explanation on how those events contributed to raising awareness of ICT, especially within the WBG.

Management Update:

WB Action C: ICT continues to be an important Practice within the World Bank, and is organizationally placed within the Transport and ICT Global Practice. The ICT practice operates its own operational agenda for telecommunications and IT applications, and collaboratively works with other Global Practices of the World Bank.

WB Action D: During FY16, the World Bank streamlined ICT expertise within the World Bank. As part of strategic staffing, 4 ICT staff joined Trade & Competitiveness GP and Leadership and Learning Initiative (LLI) from the ICT unit. Additional Global Practices (Agriculture and Education) recruited 2 new ICT-skilled staff. As part of attrition in ICT unit, 6 ICT staff retired, 1 was promoted and joined AFR region, and 1 joined outside employer.

WB Action E: The ICT unit organized 20 events on ICT learning series spanning 4,844 hours of training during FY16.

A total of 1,310 people were trained as a result of the training events covering the following topics:

- Department retreat of Transport and ICT Global Practice

- A Labor Market That Works: Connecting Talent with Opportunity in the Digital Age, based on McKinsey Global Report

- Africa-Mapping and analytics of terrestrial telecom networks, based on DEMONSTRATION of InfraNav tool

- Borderless cybersecurity

- The impact of a tech ecosystem on urban regeneration and transformation, employment, and economic growth

- Estonia ICT Day

- Digital India

- New trends in connectivity solutions by satellite: technical innovation, business models, new stakeholders

- Korea ICT

- The impact of a tech ecosystem on urban regeneration and transformation, employment, and economic growth

- New Trends in Emergency Response for Road Traffic Injuries: Technical Innovation and Business Models for Low and Middle Income Countries

- Digital Health

- COP21 BBL series: BRT, Climate Change and Development

- What does it take to ensure Trustworthy Digital Records?

- Open Data Maturity in Europe 2015: Insights into the European State of Play

- Lessons Learned in digital Development

- eProjects

- 2016 World Development Report Launch: Digital Dividends (internal & external events)

- Open Data for Development: Lessons Learned and Predicted Trends

- WDR2016 Event in Almaty

- High-Level Roundtable discussion with Microsoft Corporate Vice-President

- 2016 Transport and ICT Learning Forum

- Data Innovations for Operations Solutions in Transport and Energy

- Government Cloud Readiness Assessment: Finding and Lessons Learned

- What's New in Open data Assessment Tools

- Cyber Security Ecosystem in Israel: Building a National CERT

- External Training: Cyber Security Capacity Building workshop in Israel

- Improving Cyber-Resilience of World Bank Operations

- Over-the-Top Services: Regulatory Approaches and Challenges Moving Forward

- Innovation and ICT for Jobs: lessons learned from Armenia

WB Action F: Action was completed in FY13.

IEG Update:

IEG understands that the WBG's recent reorganization has merged ICT with Transport in its new Transport and ICT Global Practice and four thematic groups have been set up to coordinate the ICT agenda within the World Bank Group. IEG would like to get the information on on how the new set up will monitor progress and provide strategic direction on ICT for a broader WBG constituency (including DEC, legal, IFC, MIGA, OPCS, LLI etc.).
As for Action D, IEG understands that 7 staff specialized in ICT have been reassigned to the new Global Practice.
On Action E, IEG would appreciate if Management provided more explanation on how those events contributed to raising awareness of ICT, especially within the WBG.

Management Update:

Action C:
During FY14-15, WBG went through a reorganization. ICT is set as a Practice and organizationally grouped with Transport. Cross-Cutting Solution Areas (CCSAs) are defined to help bring about coordination across practices. In light of the change process, WBG management noted that an ICT Practice Leadership Group may not be currently needed.
Action D:
During FY15, 7 staff from other parts of the WBG became part of the ICT Global Practice of the World Bank.
Action E:
"In FY15, a series of knowledge and learning event have been delivered:
- A Global Practice retreat for 220 staff of transport and ICT
- 9 brown bag lunches (BBLs) offering expert knowledge and lessons with an average of 20 participants/ BBL
- A 2-day training event in MNA with 42 participants from WBG on mainstreaming ICT."
Action F:
Action was completed in FY13.

Additional Information from Management:
WB Action C
- Action: Establish an ICT Practice Leadership Group (with representatives from World Bank Networks and Regions, WBI, OPCS, DEC, Legal, IFC and MIGA) to monitor progress and provide strategic direction on ICT for World Bank Group
- Indicator: Periodic meetings and reports (frequency to be determined at initiation) of the Leadership Group
- Baseline:
- Target:
- Timeline: First meeting and report in FY13

The ICT unit of the World Bank notes that an ICT Practice Leadership Group, as envisioned previously, may no longer be needed. Ongoing activities in ICT, as discussed below, give focus and coordination to the ICT agenda at the World Bank Group.

On July 1, 2014, the World Bank underwent a reorganization, and has put ICT at the forefront, in form of the Transport and ICT Global Practice (T&I GP). TYI is one of the 14 global practices of the World Bank. Pierre Guislain, Sr. Director for T&I GP, is former Sector Manager of the ICT unit of the World Bank, and champions the ICT agenda within the World Bank.

As part of T&I GP, four thematic groups have been set up:

- A cross-GP thematic topic on Identification for Development (ID4D) is set up. About 8 Sr. Directors hold monthly meetings on this agenda. A Working Committee consisting of representatives of World Bank GPs, IFC and MIGA participate. Vyjayanti Desai, Program Manager, leads the cross-GP agenda.

- A Global Solution Group (GSG) on Broadband Access for All is set up. Doyle Gallegos, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, leads this GSG.

- A Community of Practice (CoP) on Mainstreaming ICT is set up. Samia Melhem, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, leads this CoP.

- A CoP on Jobs is set up. Mavis Ampah, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, leads this CoP.

The World Bank, IFC and MIGA continue to collaborate on key topics. Examples include the work on ID4D (discussed above), WDR 2016 (discussed in Action A), and PPP projects (discussed in Action B).

Based on the above, we propose a rating of High for achieving intended objectives.

WB Action D
- Action: Skill up and build expertise within the World Bank for use of ICT for greater development impact
- Indicator: Number of staff mapped to ICT including in regions and networks
- Baseline: Establish in FY13
- Target: Establish in FY13
- Timeline: FY14

The World Bank has skilled up and built additional expertise in ICT for development. During FY15, the World Bank recruited 7 additional staff as part of the T&I GP:

- Rosanna Chen - specializing in the use of ICT for competitiveness
- Benqing Jennifer Gui - specializing in use of ICT in government
- Raman Krishnan - specializing in the use of ICT in transport
- Anna Lerner - specializing in use of ICT in energy
- Ilari Lindy - specializing in use of ICT for digital skills and innovation
- James Neumann - specializing as legal counsel of ICT
- Casey Torgusson - specializing in ICT and broadband development.

In addition, additional Global Practices of the World Bank have recruited staff with ICT expertise. For example, the Governance Global Practice recruited Jane Treadwell, former Chief Information Officer of the Government of Australia, as a Practice Manager. Similar recruitment of ICT-based staff have taken place in Agriculture and Urban GPs.

Based on the above, we propose a rating of High for achieving intended objectives.

WB Action E
- Action: Continue to offer training and knowledge sharing activities to raise awareness of ICT
- Indicator: Staff participation in ICT-related learning events (staff participant hours, internal learning)
- Baseline: 5,208
- Target: 600
- Timeline: Every FY

The World Bank continues to actively conduct knowledge and learning (K&L) events to showcase the importance of ICT and to provide knowledge in cutting-edge areas of ICT for the World Bank staff, both for the T&I GP and the broader World Bank Group community.

During FY15, the following events were conducted:

- Brown bag lunches (BBLs): The World Bank hosted 9 BBLs on different topics of ICT offering expert knowledge and lessons. About 180 participants joined these BBLs in total.

- Transport and ICT Sector Week: During May 2015, the World Bank held deep-dive events on ICT, as part of the Transport and ICT sector week. About 220 staff of T&I GP and different GPs joined.

- Mainstreaming ICT: The World Bank hosted a 2-day event in MNA to offer expertise and knowledge on mainstreaming ICT. The event was attended by 42 participants from different GPs.

Based on the above, we propose a rating of High for achieving intended objectives.

WB Action F
- Action: Formalize World Bank's role as a connector with linkages amongst sector groups in World Bank, client governments, and external ICT experts and firms
- Indicator: (a) Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with government agencies and private firms on ICT and (b) Set up Open Development Technology Alliance (ODTA), ICT's Knowledge Platform, and open.ops in collaboration between the World Bank Institute and the ICT Sector Unit
- Baseline: 9 MoUs, 3 with governments and 6 with firms
- Target: ODTA and open.ops are set up
- Timeline: FY13

The World Bank formalized its role as a connector by setting up memorandum of understandings (MoUs) with governments and firms, and by establishing an Open Data Technology Alliance (ODTA). The actions were slated for and completed in FY13, as shown below:

- MoUs with governments: Three memorandum of understandings (MoUs) were established with the Governments of New Zealand, Singapore and South Korea.

- MoUs with firms: Six memorandum of understandings (MoUs) were established with IBM, Microsoft, Pfizer, L1, Hewlett Packard, and European Network of Living Labs (Enoll).

- Open Data Technology Alliance (ODTA): ODTA was established as an online tool and community in 2013, and was used to provide tools to governments in developing countries.

Based on the above, we propose a rating of High for achieving intended objectives.

IEG Update:

IEG understands that the WBG's recent reorganization has merged ICT with Transport in its new Transport and ICT Global Practice. In this context, IEG seeks an explanation for why an ICT practice leadership group is no longer considered needed, and what other actions are being undertaken to monitor progress and provide strategic direction on ICT for World Bank Group by a broader constituency (including DEC, legal, IFC, MIGA, OPCS, LLI etc.).

As for WBG capacity, IEG seeks more evidence on how the WBG has improved its response to client demands in ICT applications, and how the incentives and mechanisms for collaboration, coordination and joint approaches across Bank Group units – reflecting the crosscutting nature of ICT - has been developing and applied.

IEG also requests an update on the status of IFC’s support to companies that develop IT applications or use them in new business models.

Management Update:

Action C: During FY14-15, WBG went through a reorganization. ICT is set as a Practice and organizationally grouped with Transport. Cross-Cutting Solution Areas (CCSAs) are defined to help bring about coordination across practices.In light of the change process, WBG management noted that an ICT Practice Leadership Group may not be currently needed.

Action D: During FY14-15, WBG went through a reorganization. As part of this exercise, staff mapping was done across the WBG for all sectors.

8 new staff members from other sectors have been mapped to ICT Practice, and 4 more staff members are expected to be mapped. Cross-Cutting Solution Areas (CCSAs) are coordinating collaboration across Practices.

Action E: 1,900 staff participant hours have been recorded in ICT-related learning events at the WB during FY14.

• 150 staff were trained in ICT sector days during SDN week in FY14.

• 200 staff were trained during 10 BBL events on ICT organized during FY14.

Action F: Completed in FY13.

IEG Update:

(2013 Rating: Negligible)

(Response from 2013. First MAR follow-up will be in 2014)

IEG seeks to understand how World Bank management's actions can translate into the implementation of IEG's recommendations. Most of the actions presented by the World Bank are output-focused and it is unclear how the World Bank plans to ensure that these activities will translate into building greater ICT expertise in networks and regions and enhanced collaboration among the World Bank Group ICT sector. IEG seeks for more progress updates from the World Bank particularly, in consistently capturing ICT aspects in country and sector strategies, building incentive mechanisms for collaboration, coordination, and joint approaches for innovation among the World Bank Group units, and transforming the ICT unit to enable it to act as a connector between internal/client demands and outside expertise from the public and private sectors.

Management Update:

(2013 Rating: Substantial)

(Response from 2013. First MAR follow-up will be in 2014)

WB Action C


- A draft governance framework for ICT at the World Bank Group is developed.

- An early meeting of a governing committee for ICT is planned for FY13.

Baseline: None

Target: A meeting per year on governance of ICT at World Bank

Timeline: Every FY until FY16

WB Action D


- By close of FY12, ICT staffing in TWICT was 53

- During FY13, ICT staffing is expected to ramp up to 58

Baseline: 53

Target: 57

Timeline: FY14

WB Action E


- During FY13, 1400 staff hours of training in ICT has been delivered

Baseline: 5,208

Target: 600 (lower target proportionate to funds available)

Timeline: Every FY

WB Action F


- ODTA and open.ops are set up

- MOU entered into with the European Network of Living Labs and with the Korea Communication Commission (for establishing a Global Cyber Security Center)

Baseline: 9 MoUs, 3 with governments and 6 with firms

Target: ODTA and open.ops are set up

Timeline: FY13