Report Year
1st MAR Year

In the current process of revising PCR guidelines, IFC should include an assessment of IFC work quality in Advisory Services self-evaluations.

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup S S S NYT Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup S NYT NYT NYT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

7. Work Quality assessment in Advisory Services project evaluation. - The PCR framework does not contain a direct assessment of IFC's quality of work. The section of IFC's role and contribution usually includes some aspects of self evaluation of IFC's role but not systematically. Based on the experience from XPSR (which includes this section), IFC would get greater learning benefits by explicitly evaluating the quality of its work - design and execution - and its relationship to other performance dimensions. IFC may consider introducing the work quality dimension in a revised version of the PCR Guidelines. This would help align the evaluation frameworks for Investment Services and Advisory Services.

Original Management Response

Agree: As part of the current IFC-IEG review of PCR guidelines, Management will consider alternative approaches to assessing work quality in advisory services projects. Subject to Management and IEG agreement, the PCR guidelines should be revised by the end of CY13.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Within the context of reviewing the PCR guidelines, consider alternative approaches to assessing work quality in AS projects.
Action 1 Plan:

Action 7: Within the context of reviewing the PCR guidelines, consider alternative approaches to assessing work quality in AS projects.

Indicator: Launch pilot approaches to assessing work quality in AS projects.

Baseline: NA.

Target: Pilot approaches launched.

Timeline: by end of FY14.

Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

No management updates provided. The new PCR guideline introduced indicates Work Quality criteria for AS projects, for assessment and ratings by IEG. IEG consider that the recommendation is no longer relevant.

Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

There was no management update. This was rated "Substantial" by the management and by IEG.

IEG acknowledges introduction of work quality dimension.

Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

Work quality dimensions are expected to be piloted in the January 2015 roll-out of the revised PCR guidelines. As it is now envisioned, the IFC team would not rate work quality, but would provide an overview of their experience with project design and implementation, derive related lessons learned and include an analysis of the feedback received from the AS Client Survey. IEG rates substantial as the dimension was introduced, with actual implementation to start from January 2015. IEG rates "Substantial"

Management Update:

Considerable effort has been made to assess and capture the IFC work quality. First, IFC work quality has been introduced as one of dimensions in the revised PCR guidelines to be effect in 2015. Second, a new proposal has been approved by the AS management to conduct the AS client survey when the project is closed. Client perspective on IFC work quality will be assessed through the survey.