
Displaying 981 - 990 of 5571

Bangladesh - Social Investment Program Project

This is a project performance assessment of the Bangladesh Social Investment Program Project that became effective on March 18, 2003, and that ended on the extended closing date of December 15, 2012. Total estimated…

Sri Lanka - Completion and learning review for the period FY2013-2016 : IEG review

Sri Lanka is a lower middle income country with a GDP per capita of US$ 3,795 in 2014, and has blend (IDA/IBRD) borrower status at the WBG. Sri Lanka endured three decades of civil war which ended in 2009. Its growth…

Checking the boxes: How Can the World Bank Group integrate Gender Strategy and Profitability into its Operations

What are the key factors that impact project performance? Are we checking the (right!) boxes when we integrate gender into World Bank Group operations? ​Join us to answer these questions at the launch of the 2015…
New Banks, New Opportunities for a Results Culture?

New Banks, New Opportunities for a Results Culture?

Challenges and opportunities for creating a new culture focused on results.

Morocco - Urban Transport Sector Development Policy Loan Project

Rapid urbanization has imposed considerable pressure on Morocco's urban transport systems. Public urban transport remains inadequate, deficient in quality, and functionally disorganized, particularly in terms of bus-…

Evaluations Principles and Standards

IEG's Phase 2 Report of the Bank’s involvement in global programs recommended, among other things, that IEG should include global programs in its standard evaluation and reporting processes to the Board.

Cluster Country Program Evaluation: Regional Program Evaluation of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Volume 1)

The six independent members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)—Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines—face major development…

Cluster Country Program Evaluation on Small States: Pacific Island Countries Program Evaluation (FY05–15 - Volume 1)

This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s relevance and effectiveness in the PICs as satisfactory. The World Bank made effective use of budgetary, IDA, and trust fund resources to support significant transformational…

Cluster Country Program Evaluation: Mauritius Country Case Study (FY07–15), Enhancing Competitiveness and Private Sector Development

After nearly two decades of strong economic growth, in 2005 the economy was in difficulties. The loss of trade preferences in textiles in 2005, the anticipation of prospective reform to the European Union’s sugar…