
Displaying 541 - 550 of 5571
World Bank Group Support to Health Services: Achievements and Challenges

World Bank Group Support to Health Services: Achievements and Challenges

Join us for a discussion about how the Word Bank Group can best support countries in moving towards universal health coverage in partnership with other actors, including the private sector, and in the context of the…
How to maximize impact of development policy financing in a rapidly changing country context

How to maximize impact of development policy financing in a rapidly changing country context: Lessons from Burkina Faso

Successful reforms require close consideration of—and adaptation to—changing country contexts.
Improving public private interactions to deliver health services

A critical step in achieving universal health care: Improving public-private interactions to deliver health services

What IEG found when evaluating public-private interaction in the health sector of World Bank Group client countries
Collateral damage the pitfalls of quantitative measures of success

Collateral damage: the pitfalls of quantitative measures of success

An evaluator’s perspective on "Weapons of Math Destruction"

Morocco - Completion and Learning Review for the Period of FY14-FY17 : IEG Review

This independent review of the World Bank Group’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), FY14-FY17. In addition to the CLR, this review is based on the…
The Future of Carbon Markets for Climate Change Mitigation

The Future of Carbon Markets for Climate Change Mitigation

Join us for a discussion about the future of carbon markets and carbon pricing solutions for global greenhouse gas emission reduction.

Zambia - Completion and Learning Review for the Period of FY13-Fy17 : IEG Review

The review of Zambia’s completion and learning review (CLR) of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) country partnership strategy (CPS) covers the period FY13-FY17. The WBG’s CPS had three focus areas: (a) reducing poverty and…
Building the next generation of carbon markets for climate change mitigation

Building the next generation of carbon markets for climate change mitigation

Countries, international organizations, donors, and the private sector have an opportunity to revitalize and strengthen carbon markets to support the greater emission reduction targets set by the Paris Agreement.

Kenya - Agricultural Productivity Program (KAPP I and II)

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) covers the Kenya Agricultural Productivity Program (KAPP) and Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Program (KAPAP). This report was commissioned to…

Paraguay - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY15-FY18 : IEG Review

Paraguay - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY15-FY18 : IEG Review (English) Paraguay is an upper middle-income country with a population of 6.8 million (2017) and a GNI per capita (Atlas method) of USD…