
Displaying 1941 - 1950 of 5571

Sri Lanka - Country assistance strategy FY03-FY07 : IEG review

The FY03-06 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) was developed at a time of great optimism. After nearly two decades of civil conflict, a cease-fire between the Liberation Tigers of…

Zambia - Country assistance strategy FY04-FY07 : IEG review

This CASCR (Country Assistance Strategy Completion Report Review) examines the implementation of the results-based Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for Zambia for FY04-FY07. The CAS…
public sector reform, world bank support

Public Sector Reform - An Evaluation of World Bank Support

IEG has examined lending and other kinds of Bank support in 1999-2006 for public sector reform in four areas: public financial management, administrative and civil service, revenue administration, and anticorruption and…

Russia - Biodiversity Conservation Project

The ratings for the Biodiversity Conservation Project for Russia are as follows: outcome was satisfactory; risk to the development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was satisfactory; and Borrower performance was…

Niger - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2003-FY2007 : IEG review

This review evaluates the FY07 CASCR and examines the implementation of the FY03-FY05 CAS. The implementation of the FY03-FY05 CAS was extended de facto through FY07 and therefore…

Country Financial AccountabilityAssessments and CountryProcurement Assessment Reports:How Effective Are World BankFiduciary Diagnostics?

The World Bank's analysis of a country's public financial management system is an important component of fiduciary diagnostics. It is typically undertaken both to help the client country strengthen its system and to…

The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Improving Municipal Management: An IEG Special Study (Approach Paper)

Today there are some 3 1,000 cities across the planet with populations ranging from 12,500 to megacities with more than ten million inhabitants. This is an approach paper for IEG's study that will review World Bank…

Ethiopia - Country assistance strategy FY03-FY07 : IEG review

This review covers the FY03-05 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the FY06-07 Interim CAS (ICAS). Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) has also prepared a Country Assistance…

Colombia - Structural Fiscal Adjustment; and First, Second, and Third Programmatic Fiscal and Institutional Adjustment Loan Projects

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of four loans extended to Colombia to help the government improve its fiscal performance and its institutional efficiency: the Structural Fiscal Adjustment…

The Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation (BROE), IFC's Results Measurement for Better Results (Approach Paper)

The Biennial Report on Operations Evaluation (BROE) reviews the adequacy, coverage and quality of IFC's evaluation system and examines how effectively evaluation findings are used.