
Displaying 1171 - 1180 of 5577

El Salvador - Completion and learning review for the period FY2010-14 : IEG review

El Salvador's growth has lagged its peers in Central America for the past decade. The economic context for this CPS was one of low growth with low and stable inflation. The political background was difficult, with the…

Indonesia - Second and Third Urban Poverty Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for two Indonesian projects: 1. The Second Urban Poverty Project (credit 3658 and loans 4664 and 7752): A World Bank IBRD loan 4664 in the amount of US$29.5…

Professionalizing Evaluation: What More Is There to Say?

Can we undo the Gordian knot once and for all and decide whether we need accreditation, credentialing and certification? 

Managing Evaluations: A How-To Guide For Managers and Commissioners of Evaluations

Evaluations serve two main functions--accountability and learning. They provide an "account" to stakeholders about the extent to which resources are being, or were, used efficiently and effectively, and degree to which…

The Changing Landscape of Development Evaluation Training: A Rapid Review

A key area of IEG's mandate focuses on developing the WBG's client countries' capacities in monitoring and evaluation. IEG undertook a process of identifying and reviewing current M&E learning opportunities…
Taking the Pulse: [How] Can the World Bank Group Perform Better?

Taking the Pulse: How Can the World Bank Group Perform Better?

We will explore new initiatives to help improve quality and performance of projects across the Bank Group.

Learning and Results in World Bank Operations: Toward a New Learning Strategy

This report is the second in a program of evaluations that the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) is conducting on the learning that takes place through World Bank projects. Learning and knowledge are treated as parts…
Professionalizing Evaluation - The Canadian Experience

Professionalizing Evaluation - The Canadian Experience

The President of the Canadian Evaluation Society talks to IEG about taking the first step towards professionalization. 

World Bank Group Support to Industrial Competitiveness and Its Implications for Jobs (Approach Paper)

This evaluation directly fills a gap in that it addresses a topic that, although of growing importance to the World Bank Group and its clients, has not been comprehensively evaluated to date. Earlier evaluations by the…

World Bank Support to Early Childhood Development

This evaluation by the Independent Evaluation Group examines the Bank's design and implementation of projects across sectors supporting ECD interventions to inform future operations and provide inputs to the new Global…