
Displaying 1 - 10 of 338

Colombia : Public and Private Paths to Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation in Colombia (1999-2011)

Water supply and sanitation in Colombia have improved in recent decades. Between 1990 and 2010, access to improved sanitation increased from 67 percent to 82 percent, and access to improved water sources increased…

Evaluation of IFC's Approach to Engaging Clients for Increased Development Impact (Approach Paper)

The International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) mandate is to promote economic development by supporting the growth of productive private enterprise in its developing member countries--particularly in less developed and…

Senegal : A Decade of World Bank Support to Senegal’s Nutrition Program

This report assesses the performance of three projects: (1) the Nutrition Enhancement Program, (2) the Nutrition Enhancement Project in Support of the Second Phase of the Nutrition Enhancement Program, and (3) the Rapid…
#WhatWorked in 2016 - An Evaluator's Take

#WhatWorked in 2016 - An Evaluator's Take

A reflection on IEG's most-read #WhatWorks posts. Tell us what you'd like to see in 2017 in the comments below.

Zambia : Water Sector Performance Improvement Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the development effectiveness of the Water Sector Performance Improvement Project (WSPIP) in Zambia. The project’s original objectives were: (i) the…

Solomon Islands : Rural Development Program

The Solomon Islands Rural Development Program (Phase I) was the Bank’s first major intervention in Solomon Islands following the Tensions of 1998-2003. The project envisaged making the government more visible in rural…

Kenya : Development of the National Statistical System Project

This project was initiated in September 2003 at the request of the government of Kenya. The government had prepared the Strategic Implementation Master Plan in data development to counteract a progressive decline of…
environmental dpo lessons, ieg whatworks blog on policy lending

What Lessons Can We Draw from the World Bank's Environmental Policy Lending Experience?

Given the increasing reliance on policy lending to drive environmental goals, it is important to understand in what contexts this type of intervention works best, and what factors to consider when designing and…

A Framework for Evaluating Behavior Change in International Development Operations

This paper on behavior change constitutes one of two methodology papers (the other being on service delivery) that establish a new lens through which to understand the World Bank’s portfolio in IEG evaluations. The…

Paying for Results - Does Results-Based Lending Work?

What do we know about the effectiveness of the Program-for-Results (PforR) instrument in direct support of government programs?