
Report/Evaluation Type:Systematic Reviews and Impact Evaluations
Content Type:evaluation/Report
Displaying 1 - 10 of 601

Cape Verde - Social Sector Development


West Bank & Gaza - Second Municipal Infrastructure Development Project


Efficacité de l'appui de la Banque mondiale au développement de proximité et au développement mené par la communauté: Évaluation de l'OED

Le présent rapport analyse l'efficacité de l'aide accordée par la Banque mondiale au secteur dynamique du développement de proximité (CBD) et du développement mené par la communauté (CDD). Ce…

Nicaragua - Second Basic Education Project


Tajikistan - Primary Health Care


Albania - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The Albania country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) evaluates the effectiveness of Bank assistance during FY2002-05, which was based on the CAS of May 28, 2002. The…

Turkey - The World Bank in Turkey, 1993-2004 : country assistance evaluation (Turkish)

This report's assessments are as follows: The outcomes of the overall Bank program are rated moderately satisfactory, with substantial institutional development impact and likely sustainability. In the coming years the…

Pakistan - Public Sector Adjustment Loan/Credit Project (PSAL), Structural Adjustment Loan Project (SAL), and the First and Second Structural Adjustment Credit (SAC I and SAC II) Projects

Ratings for the four projects are as follows: PSAL's outcome is rated moderately unsatisfactory; Improvements in loan repayment have been sustained and are likely to continue. Subsequent debt rescheduling and…

Pakistan - Sindh Structural Adjustment Credit, Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) Structural Adjustment Credit, and NWFP Community Infrastructure and National Housing Authority Strengthening Credit Projects

The Community Infrastructure Project in the Northwest Frontier Province is rated as having a moderately unsatisfactory outcome, modest institutional development impact, and unsatisfactory Bank and Borrower performance…

Swaziland - Urban Development Project
