
Report/Evaluation Type:Annual Reviews (RAP)Major Evaluations
Content Type:evaluation/Report
Displaying 1 - 10 of 640

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Urgent Works Project

The ratings for the project are as follows: the project outcome is moderately satisfactory, the project ' s sustainability is unlikely, the institutional development impact is modest, and the Bank and Borrower…

Mali - Natural Resource Management Project

The PPAR rates the overall outcome as moderately satisfactory. Although, substantial investments in land and water conservation measures in various villages were made, and a significant amount of infrastructure (schools…

Approach Paper: Evaluation of the World Bank's Support for Primary Education


Georgia - Transport Ministry Restructuring


Zambia - post-privatization study

The World Bank seeks to assess the effectiveness of the privatization program which was initiated in Zambia in 1992 with significant assistance from The World Bank and other donor agencies. The authors of this paper…

Croatia - Istria Water Supply and Sewerage Project

This assessment finds that the project achieved its main objective, to eliminate water shortages in the Istria region. These shortages had become a major obstacle to the growth of the tourism industry, a mainstay of the…

Mexico - Tax Reform Adjustment Loan


Brazil - Gas Sector Development Project, Sao Paulo Natural Gas Distribution Project, and Hydrocarbon Transport and Processing Project

All three projects had outcomes that were satisfactory or better. The outcome of the Gas Sector Development Project (Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline), was highly satisfactory. Sustainability, in all cases, is likely or…

Tanzania - Power Vi


Tanzania - Power Vi
