
Displaying 51 - 60 of 129

Mexico - support to the social protection system in health project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report for the Mexico Social Protection in Health Project (P116226). The project, approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on March 25, 2010, provided an…
What Can Small Island States Learn from Each Other

What can Small Island States like Jamaica and the Seychelles Learn From Each Other? An Evaluation Perspective

Reflections from a recent knowledge-sharing mission at the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).

IFC's Experience with Inclusive Business - An IEG Meso Evaluation

This evaluation is a corporate-level assessment of the role and effectiveness of IFC in its support to its clients’ inclusive business models. It also identifies implications and options for IFC’s future support to…
The Future of Higher Education in the Global Economy

The Future of Higher Education in the Global Economy

Watch the re-play of a panel discussion about how to support higher education systems in meeting the demands of today's complex global economy.

Mali - Project to support grassroots initiatives to fight hunger and poverty

This is a project performance review of the Grassroots Hunger and Poverty Initiative Project (PAIB) financed by the International Development Association (IDA) and implemented between 1998 and 2004 across two regions of…
Addressing Global Inequality

Addressing Global Inequality- Can We Succeed?

How well has the World Bank Group incorporated the shared prosperity goal into its various products and services, across regions, global practices and World Bank Group institutions?

Towards Urban Resilience: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Evolving Approach 2007-2017 (Approach Paper)

Half of humanity – 3.5 billion people – lives in cities today and by 2030, 60% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Urbanization has the potential to lift people out of poverty and increase prosperity,…
Growing the Rural NonFarm Economy to Alleviate Poverty

Growing the Rural Non-Farm Economy to Alleviate Poverty

Join us for an expert debate on how the World Bank Group can engage the rural non-farm economy to alleviate poverty.
Growing the Rural Non-Farm Economy to Alleviate Poverty (19036)

Infographic: Growing the Rural Non-farm Economy to Alleviate Poverty

This infographic is based on the findings of IEG's evaluation Growing the Rural Non-farm Economy to Alleviate Poverty Download the Evaluation Download the Infographic (PDF)

Rwanda Country Program Evaluation FY09-17 (Approach Paper)

The primary goal of this evaluation is to assess the Bank Group’s development effectiveness in Rwanda during the period FY09-17 and to inform the design and implementation of future WBG activities in Rwanda. The Country…