
You Searched for:"Country Program Evaluation"
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Content Type:evaluation/Report
Displaying 1 - 10 of 36

Approach Paper: Evaluation of the World Bank's Support for Primary Education


Malawi: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)


Republic of Madagascar: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)


Evaluation of World Bank Support for Client Training (Approach Paper)

This paper sets out an approach for an IEG evaluation of World Bank support of client training over the period 1995-2005, with particular emphasis on more recent activities. The study is expected to generate insights on…

Indonesia: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This evaluation will cover the seven years from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2005. Since the baseline is the point at which the decline from previous production levels was greatest, the CAE will also identify an…

Ukraine: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) will cover the seven years from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2005. During that period, the World Bank's assistance to Ukraine has been guided by two Country Assistance…

Review of Internal IDA Controls (Approach Paper)

IEG will carry out an independent comprehensive assessment of IDA's non-financial control framework including internal controls over IDA operations and compliance with its charter and policies. The work is organized…

Ethiopia: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This evaluation will review World Bank assistance during the period from July 1998 to December 2006. Bank strategies in this period shifted a few times in response to unanticipated events and emerging concerns.…

Evaluation of IFC's Poverty Reduction Focus and Results (IEDR) 2010

IFC's vision and purpose puts poverty alleviation at the core of the institution's mandate. Although poverty reduction is often articulated in strategy documents, operational policies, and lending and non-lending…

An IEG Assessment of the World Bank Group's Response to the Global Economic Crisis: Phase II

This Approach Paper outlines the planned coverage of the Global Economic Crisis Phase II evaluation, which will complement work already undertaken. Two sets of factors have shaped the planned coverage and scope of the…