
You Searched for:"CLR"
Report/Evaluation Type:Country Focused Validations
Content Type:evaluation/Report
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Cabo Verde - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY15 - FY17 : IEG Review

This country partnership strategy (CPS) objectives are broadly congruent with Cabo Verde’s Third Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (GPRSP III), covering 2012-2016, which…

Papua New Guinea - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY13-FY18 : IEG Review

This review covers the period of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), FY13-FY16, and updated in the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated July 1, 2016. At the PLR stage, the CPS period was extended by two years…

Tajikistan - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY15 - FY18 : IEG Review

This independent review of the World Bank Group's Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), FY15-FY18.The government's National Development Strategy (NDS), 2006-…

Argentina - Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY15- FY18 : IEG Review

This independent review of the World Bank Group’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Argentina,…

Zambia - Completion and Learning Review for the Period of FY13-Fy17 : IEG Review

The review of Zambia’s completion and learning review (CLR) of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) country partnership strategy (CPS) covers the period FY13-FY17. The WBG’s CPS had three focus areas: (a) reducing poverty and…