
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation: Economic Development in the 1990s and World Bank Assistance (Working Paper)

This is one of three background papers to the Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) (Task Manager, Mr. Fareed M.A. Hassan) being prepared by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED). The findings are…

Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation: An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance for Poverty Reduction, Health and Education (Working Paper)

The World Bank's assistance to Jordan in the 1990s coincided with a period of considerable political and economic turmoil. Three important exogenous factors affected the Kingdom's economic and social development. The…

Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation: An Evaluation of Bank Assistance for Water Development and Management (Working Paper)

This paper evaluates the relevance and effectiveness of the Bank's program of assistance to Jordan water sector in the 1990s. Following an overview of Jordan's water issues, institutional challenges and the Bank's role…