
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

St. Lucia - Economic and Social Development Policy Loan and Credit Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report assesses the Uganda Second Local Government Development Project (2003 to 2008). The project's development objective was to improve Local Governments' institutional performance…

Latvia Country Study - Pension Reform and the Development of Pension Systems: An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance

This paper belongs to series of 19 country and regional case studies commissioned as background research for the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) report "Pension Reform and the Development of Pension…

Saint Lucia - Watershed and Environmental Management, and, Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management Program Projects

Lessons of experience are suggested as follows. The Bank needs to be more involved in the immediate post-emergency period, and it needs to be able to quickly fund activities that do not require detailed preparation, but…

Latvia - Agricultural Development and Rural Development Projects

The Agricultural Development Project Performance Assessment Ratings (PPAR) are the same as the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) ratings. The Rural Development PPAR differ from the ICR ; the outcome is rated as…

Latvia - Liepaja Environment Project

The outcome of the project was satisfactory, a result of the synergy generated by Latvia's partnership with the Bank, Nordic bilateral donors, the EU, and the World Wide Fund for Nature. Relevance was substantial given…

Rural development - from vision to action? - Phase II

The report covers the Second Phase evaluation of the Bank ' s rural development strategy, - From Vision to Action - examines partners perceptions on the strategy in five countries, - Latvia, Morocco, Mozambique, Peru,…