
Displaying 1 - 10 of 996

Guidance Manual for Independent Evaluation Group Validators: Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing

The Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR) is one of the World Bank’s main instruments for self-evaluation. This manual provides comprehensive guidance and practice examples to evaluators for the preparation…

Illustrative Examples for Independent Evaluation Group Validators : Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing (Reference Annex)

The Reference Annex titled "Illustrative Examples for Independent Evaluation Group Validators: Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews for Investment Project Financing" serves as a supplementary guide for…

Guidance Manual for Evaluators: ICR Reviews for Development Policy Financing (DPOs)

This manual provides guidance to evaluators preparing ICRRs on ICRs for development policy finance operations. It provides guidance for, and gives examples of, how to structure ICRRs with respect to content,…
IEG Impact Evaluations and Development, NONIE guidance on impact evaluations

Impact Evaluations and Development: NONIE Guidance on Impact Evaluation

This document discusses questions of what impact evaluation is about, when it is appropriate, and how to do it. The Network of Networks for Impact Evaluation (NONIE) was established in 2006 to foster more and better…

World Bank Operations Evaluation Department : the first 30 years

During the course of 2002-03 the Bank’s Operations Evaluation Department (OED) held a series of major events, including seminars and workshops, leading up to the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of OED by Robert…

World Bank Evaluation Principles

This document, World Bank Evaluation Principles, sets out core principles for evaluation as well as underlying principles for selecting, conducting, and using evaluations, as relevant to the World Bank’s mission, and…

Contribution and Effectiveness of Trade Facilitation Measures: Structured Literature Review

This literature review has two main objectives. The first is to survey the findings on effectiveness of trade facilitation measures on outcomes such as trade flows, and trade costs. The second objective is to gain a…
Creating Markets to Leverage the Private Sector for Sustainable Development and Growth

Creating Markets to Leverage the Private Sector for Sustainable Development and Growth

With a strong learning focus, this evaluation is intended to inform the implementation of IFC’s corporate strategy (IFC 3.0) and the contributing roles of the World Bank and MIGA to that strategy

Recent World Bank Experience with RRAs & Operational Programming in FCV Countries

Stocktaking of Implementation of Recommendations from IEG Evaluations of Fragility, Conflict and Violence The purpose of this stocktaking report is to assess: i) the extent to which World Bank diagnostic work…

Guidelines for Reviewing World Bank Implementation Completion and Results Reports: A Manual for Evaluators

The Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR) is one of the main instruments of self-evaluation of the World Bank. It is prepared by the World Bank at the close of every IDA or IBRD-funded operation or, in the…