
Displaying 41 - 50 of 241

El Salvador - Land Administration Project, Guatemala - Land Administration Project, and Guatemala - Land Fund Project

This report assesses the performance of three projects that tackled various aspects of land administration and land redistribution in El Salvador and Guatemala and draws conclusions based on a comparative analysis of…

IDA Internal Controls: Evaluation of Management's Remediation Program (FTB)

This is the Fast Track Brief for the IDA Internal Controls: Evaluation of Management's Remediation Program. In response to a review of IDA's Internal Controls, World Bank management prepared a Five-Point Action Plan (…

Bulgaria - Registration and Cadastre Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report reviews the experience and lessons of the Bulgaria Registration and Cadastre Project (RCP) in the Republic of Bulgaria. The project was approved in June 2001, and received an…

Macedonia - Public Sector Management Adjustment Loan Project, Macedonia - Second Public Sector Management Adjustment Loan Project, and Slovak Republic - Public Finance Management Project

This clustered Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) examines the comparative performance of three projects yielding a common theme of public resource management: the Public Sector Management Adjustment Credit (…

Algeria - Mortgage Finance Technical Assistance Project and Morocco - Housing Sector Development Policy Loan and National Slum Upgrading Projects

This is a Cluster Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of Bank assistance to the housing sector in Algeria and Morocco. Strong macroeconomic performance by both countries during the 2003-2008 period covered by…

Kyrgyz Republic - Land and Real Estate Registration Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of the Land and Real Estate Registration Project (LRERP) in the Kyrgyz Republic. The objective of the Land and Real Estate Registration Project was to support…

Lesotho - Health Sector Reform Project, HIV and AIDS Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for Lesotho's Health Sector Reform Project (HSRP) and HIV and AIDS Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Project (HCTA). IEG rated the outcome of the HSRP as…

Burkina Faso - National Natural Ecosystem Management Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report for the Partnership for Natural Ecosystem Management project. The project was designed to help implement Burkina Faso's National Natural Ecosystem Management Program, a…

Safeguards and Sustainability Policies in a Changing World (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for the Safeguards and Sustainability Policies in a Changing World. This evaluation aims to inform ongoing reviews of the environmental strategy of the World Bank and Performance Standards of…

Jamaica - Social Safety Net Project, National Community Development Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report for two investment loans to Jamaica. The Social Safety Net Project was financed through IBRD Loan 70760 in the amount of US$40 million. This project was approved by the…