
Displaying 1 - 10 of 117
Data dashboards in poverty, education, infrastructure, agriculture, energy, jobs, and SDGs

What can we learn from the Independent Evaluation Group’s project ratings and lessons?

This blog offers three scenarios for how data generated by the Independent Evaluation Group might be used to understand the performance of projects in a specific sector, the factors contributing to a set of highly rated…
Dashboard with data on education poverty and infrastructure

Harnessing data for better development: The Independent Evaluation Group dashboards

The IEG Data Page is a hub for three dashboards that can lead to insights from data generated by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG): the World Bank (WB) Project Ratings Dashboard, WB Project Lessons Dashboard, and…
The Statue of Justice symbol. Photo: r.classen/Shutterstock

Взвешенная оценка реформ в секторе правосудия

Учитывая сложность поставленных задач и широкий круг заинтересованных сторон, участвующих в реформе сектора правосудия, Независимая группа оценки (IEG) и Всемирный банк провели анализ, с целью выявления удачного и…
The Statue of Justice symbol. Photo: r.classen/Shutterstock

Weighing the evidence on justice sector reform

In view of the complex goals and range of stakeholders involved in justice sector reform, the Independent Evaluation Group and the World Bank reviewed evidence from past support to identify lessons on what worked, what…
Foreman controls the recycle waste separation of recyclable waste plants. Waste plastic bottles and other types of plastic waste.

Can the Private Sector Accelerate the Shift to a Circular Economy?

How can the World Bank Group effectively address constraints to foster the power of the private sector in municipal solid waste management? Evidence from groundbreaking projects shows that collaboration and continuity…

Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Sector Participation in Climate Action, Fiscal Years 2013–22 (Approach Paper)

The objective of the evaluation is to derive lessons from Bank Group experience in improving the enabling environment for private sector participation in climate action. The evaluation will assess the relevance and…

Universal Digital Inclusion and Usage (Approach Paper)

Available, affordable, and accessible digital connectivity can help deliver essential services, such as education and health care, and lead to an increase in economic growth. High levels of digital inclusion also offer…
People pick through a garbage dump.  Image credit: Stockbyte via Getty Images.

Transitioning to a Circular Economy

This evaluation assesses how well the World Bank Group has supported client countries to manage municipal solid waste using an integrated approach to advance development and sustainability goals—including SDG 11 for…
Reader publication

International Finance Corporation Additionality in Middle-Income Countries (Approach Paper)

Accounting for almost half of global gross domestic product and 70 percent of the world’s population, middle-income countries (MICs) face multiple development challenges limiting achievement of the Sustainable…
Measuring Results in Global Development

🎧 Measuring Results in Global Development

We are less than a decade from delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs touch on some of the most profound challenges facing humanity, such as ending poverty and reducing inequality. What…